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  1. H

    The Official House and Garden Thread

    I agree with what you've said and im going to run my next batch without the cal mag [the yellow bottle], and see if it will be fine. I am a bit apprehensive with using tap water because i haven't had great results with that method. But i must say 20ppm is considerably low, my RO rates at 32ppm...
  2. H

    The Official House and Garden Thread

    Yeah ive read the same instructions however the pH stays at 6.5 even hours later. Recently i called the House & Garden contact number and they told me to add A and B then pH to 5.8, add the additives then pH back down to 5.8, so im just going to go with that. Thanks for your input...
  3. H

    House & Garden pH Question

    i pH twice because after i add my base, the pH drops to 4.3... i bring the pH up to 5.5 - 5.8 so when i add the supplements they enter the water at a safe environment. Then after i add everything the pH goes to 6.5 so i bring it back down to 5.5 - 5.8.
  4. H

    The Official House and Garden Thread

    But im running water - to waste, so the amount of nutrients the plants take in cannot fluctuate the pH because the run off water does not go back into the res.
  5. H

    The Official House and Garden Thread

    Hey, i use House & Garden , the complete line , i am currently doing hydro with rock wool, water - to - waste with drip lines with a 45 gal res. And i am experiencing some daily fluctuations with the pH levels which I want to know are normal. I use Reverse Osmosis, i add Cal Mag [150 ppms]...
  6. H

    House & Garden pH Question

    thanks buddy :]
  7. H

    House & Garden pH Question

    Hey, i use House & Garden , the complete line , i am currently doing hydro with rock wool, water - to - waste with drip lines with a 45 gal res. And i am experiencing some daily fluctuations with the pH levels which I want to know are normal. I use Reverse Osmosis, i add Cal Mag [150 ppms]...
  8. H

    House & Garden pH question

    i was told by a House & Garden representative to pH the water to 5.5 - 5.8 before i add the additives because if the pH is too low or too high the additives can be damaged when you mix them in.
  9. H

    House & Garden pH question

    also , if i dont pH down after i add the supplements the levels will be too high... 6.5 will lock out a good amount of nutrients
  10. H

    House & Garden pH question

    I use a fairly large res, 40-45 gals... and im using drip lines , water - to - waste... i do not reuse the run-off water so the plants feeding couldn't fluctuate it.
  11. H

    House & Garden pH question

    Hey, i use House & Garden , the complete line , i am currently doing hydro with rock wool, and i am experiencing some daily fluctuations with the pH levels which I want to know are normal. I use Reverse Osmosis, i add Cal Mag [150 ppms] back into the water, then i add Aqua Flakes A & B and...