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  1. *smokey*

    3 Weeks only 4 inches tall

    Just had a look in to the "inverse square law" pretty interesting. As stated though i wouldnt worry to much. Looks like a dominant indica strain so probly will be fairly short. Peace
  2. *smokey*

    Uk Weed Street Weights and Prices ! Leave yours here !

    Used to get 1g or 0.9g a ten from most people, feel like youve been robbed! I used to tell some of them i wouldnt buy it unless Its over a gram, sometimes works depending how well you know them. Only one guy i know still doing around 1.3 g for £10 but hes not very reliable. 25£ for proper...
  3. *smokey*

    Seeking Free Advice for a Newb Grower!

    Seed + soil + pot + water/ nutrients = :bigjoint:
  4. *smokey*

    1st Try From Scratch

    It will be hard to constantly switch the palnts round mate, its possible but time consuming and you'll have to do it daily without exception. Lighting you want as much as possible without causing heat issues, deffinalty go with HPS, cant help with the exact ammout you will need, sorry. But you...
  5. *smokey*

    Can you just plant straight into final pot?

    You can yes, only con i know of is the soil in the bottom of the pot will not dry quickly, as theres no roots there when the palnt is tiny, this may make it difficult to judge when it need watering. It can be done, i have done it myself in the past and not noticed any problems. There may be...
  6. *smokey*

    Uk ONLY how much do you pay for your weed

    £10 a gram where i live, or £200 an oz. Total rip off to buy it! Plus its mostly either too wet or fast dried. Only one guy i know who does 1.3 gram £10 and has good weed all the time. I dont buy it much now though so im not all that bothered. Peace
  7. *smokey*

    Farts In Weed Jar

    haha! I remember reading that. Some funny shit! On a serious note though, farting in weed jar = not for me thanks. Peace
  8. *smokey*

    whats the best strain to try for a noob??????

    Deffinatly go with the indica or mostly indica strain mate. Alot more manageable than sativa. Barneys blue cheese was my first! Easy to grow, fairly hardy and some nice bud. But anythink like that would be great imo. Peace
  9. *smokey*


    I wouldnt be cutting any leaves off at this stage mate. Be patient, it will flower when its ready.
  10. *smokey*

    Is 400W hps overkill for 5 Sq Foot room

    Ive used a 400w in about that space with good results, you are a lot better of with 400w instead of 250w anyway. Stick with it! You'll be glad you did when harvest time comes! Peace
  11. *smokey*

    Mirical grow,for plants

    Im agreed with both the above comments, its fine, just go easy on the nutes.
  12. *smokey*

    Can someone answer a few ?

    Looks like its flowering already mate, what light times are you using?
  13. *smokey*

    light change advice

    They look good mate, and i recon they will fill that area out nicely. They certainly can double in size and more.
  14. *smokey*

    i think she's turned hermie :(

    Sometimes its just the genetics mate, nothing you could have done if it is. You can either chop it, or carefully just remove the hermied parts and keep a close eye on it for any more if you want to save it. If i chopped it id probably make some hash or butter tho if theres enough.
  15. *smokey*

    Drying in a tent?

    I do this in mine, have 2 small fans blowing but not directly on the fans, and have extacting fan on all the time aswell. Never had any problems.
  16. *smokey*

    Light Time ? Help

    What said, and you want as much light as you can afford/fit without having heat issues. Peace
  17. *smokey*


    It should yeild more if veged for longer, but if space is the issue then you have no choice really. You can still pull some nice buds from smaller plants though. I too am doing 12/12 all the way.
  18. *smokey*

    I Pissed in my Plants!

    It is supposed to be a good source of N but i just dont like the idea of it and i would imagine it would smell a bit under a nice hps light. Not for me thanks!
  19. *smokey*

    light change advice

    Hey, i wouldnt take any leaves of if they are healthy myself, and you can switch to 12/12 any time you like really.
  20. *smokey*

    early flowering, is there any thc present?

    Id have a go at making hash with it, thats about it imo.