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  1. see4


    my little princess.
  2. see4

    California's 77 billion dollar failure.......

    Missouri is more deep south than Arizona. Won't be the case with President Harris though, she will declare a national emergency on guns and green energy and then every state will either be damn yankee or its own country.
  3. see4

    California's 77 billion dollar failure.......

    Pennsylvania, Maryland, Wisconsin, Illinois... shallow south. Lots of people live there.
  4. see4

    New Year's Growing Resolutions

    I'd like to make a switch back to hydro, thinking of doing recirculating top-feed with LEDs I built. Stick to a low profile grow... now that I got a second baby girl on the way!
  5. see4

    Weirdest shit someone has tried to sell to you?

    Government tried to sell me health insurance once, I told them fuck off, that shit should be free.
  6. see4

    Weirdest shit someone has tried to sell to you?

    I was wondering where my cooler and extension cord went...
  7. see4

    is bill maher just an asshole? or a GIANT, PULSATING, OOZING ANUS?

    im guessing you've never actually watched a Bill Maher show. most of what you said is not an accurate description of Bill Maher, his guests or his show.
  8. see4

    As a man, are you scared right now?

    interestingly enough, mine said she wanted to tug on my longbow tonight... and, like you, could not refuse.
  9. see4

    Why are there so many Trump supporters on RIU?

    No it's not. You are free to sign up, but this is not an open forum. Your first amendment rights are not protected here.
  10. see4

    What did you accomplish today?

    Yea no doubt. If I move back, I'm likely going to the North Shore, probably up by Newburyport. Possibly Seabrook NH area. I can catch the commuter rail into North Station. NH has TONS of orv trails.
  11. see4


    Ha. My little nugget with a pimp cane. Now that's a thought! Hey...what happened to being able to paste images in posts?????? Double You, Tee, Eff.
  12. see4


    Funny you should mention that... I've been giving some thought lately, to buying something in the Branson, MO area.. something on the lake. That would be one heck of a RIU meetup.
  13. see4


  14. see4

    What did you accomplish today?

    Hell yea! That's sick. Ha, yea, your footage captured it all... they are literally that much fun. I'm still in my break in period with this thing, less than 200 miles still. I got her up to 65 a couple times on some desert trails.. I am still cutting deep. Real deep. -- Aaaaand, I may be...
  15. see4


    Oh, and I have another one coming! We're (well, she) are 15 weeks along. Daddy's been busy. Or 'gettin busy rather.
  16. see4


    Surely! Any cool peeps are welcome to hangout any time.
  17. see4

    Will Texas please secede from the USA

    Sarcasm is not translated well in binary. So sorry you were not able to pick up what I was putting down. We clearly are on different wavelengths. And that's ok. Because I'm good enough, I'm smart enough and gosh darn it, people like me. Edit: Your inference was obvious.
  18. see4

    Will Texas please secede from the USA

    I know I graduated high school, that wasn't the question. :roll:
  19. see4

    Will Texas please secede from the USA

    I hear what you are saying, but your dot connecting skills are a stretch. The law enforcement that cracked down on the Occupy Movement and other such events were certainly an overreach in authority and enforcement, but by no means could a direct inference be made that such events would, nor...
  20. see4

    Ya know that whole Russia thing?

    Public forum this is not, therefore 'free speech' is not protected. So yes. OP is 2 clicks beyond retarded.