Search results

  1. manny jane

    Florida Growers Thread

    I know this is off topic but i am looking for honest people to work in a warehouse manufacturing spice. it pays 10 and hour on 1099 so its tax free until you go over the poverty limit. i bring home 500-700 a week now. I had to kill my plants because I had too many people around and I got this...
  2. manny jane

    Florida Growers Thread

    Well since I transplanted into new pots discarding the Schultz potting soil and using the dollar general soil the plants have responded quite well.. I lost a handfull of fan leaves but nodes are growing still. ill post pics after my next water.
  3. manny jane

    Florida Growers Thread

    '// just use CCleaner to file shred your browsing. ip adresses wont be traced especially using a DNS address cause its borrowed from anyone and everyone. Just dont use a static IP as this is a set ip adress. If you have files you need to keep secure use trucrypt. So long as your...
  4. manny jane

    Florida Growers Thread

    It can be beat with a good lawyer but unless you have money for one good luck. you need to have the evidence examined by someone other than the police department who wrote the report. The case can be thrown out from tampering with evidence/perjury/lying/falsifying evidence etc. all kinds of...
  5. manny jane

    Florida Growers Thread

    I think we need to become like the 60's generation. Seems like there is just too much violence and war today. No peace and love.
  6. manny jane

    Florida Growers Thread

    Well lucky for me no wife no kids so this grow will be no prob lol. Its just the less people that know the less problems no matter who it is. My father taught me that and I saw what happened the day his wife found his stash.. OOOH wee she mustve flushed nearly 2 pounds down the toilet. I was...
  7. manny jane

    Florida Growers Thread

    Heres day 2 after transplant. I know they look bad but they look better than they did. My cat got a hold of one adn tore off the stem as you can see. They have nute burn im sure and ive over watered no doubt. Started with Schultz 9 month release potting soil which is terrible. Now Ive...
  8. manny jane

    Florida Growers Thread

    When you rent an apartment from a Florida landlord, you receive a right to privacy granted by restricting the landlord's right of entry. The landlord has to inform you in advance if he needs to come into your home for repairs, maintenance or inspection. If the landlord shows up at your home...
  9. manny jane

    First Grow: Are My Girls Looking, Okay?

    WOW those bulbs are fantastic for that price and you can get 1000 watts and still be under the cost of 250 MH or HPS. How dense did the buds get cause I see posts of people claiming they are thin? That helps me soo much. I am using a 250 watt MH for the whole grow but now I can add a few of...
  10. manny jane

    Florida Growers Thread

    Im not adding any fertilizers. its just the potting soil and water. We have no clean water in our area for miles.. Its terrible. All the water here is contaminated for drinking from the nitrates in it. We have to drink it sometimes because we cant afford to buy water all the time. Isnt a damn...
  11. manny jane

    Florida Growers Thread

    The bitch responsible for making felons lives in Florida so miserable is Pam Bondi attorney general. Heres the latest on her crap
  12. manny jane

    Florida Growers Thread

    Heres my morning transplant to their final pots. If they live through this I should be good to go for flowering in a few weeks. They really have gone through hell in this shitty potting soil but Im stuck using it. So hopefully they pull through. I have lost a few leaves from nute burn or nute...
  13. manny jane

    Florida Growers Thread

    Thats so true. my brother who hasnt had a job in his life gets the first thing he applies for. Sure its min wage part time but its still a job. Its gotten to the point where we have to become slave laborers to get anything and even those jobs are hard to get. I tried to get a job picking fruit...
  14. manny jane

    Coco Growers Unite!

    Thanks a lot man. Im goin to do that right away. I do believe Im going to have to choose 4 to repot cause all I was given was four pots. Dont know the sex yet unless I put 2 in each pot till I find the males and cut the root ball out without "hopefully" destroying the other. Basically I have 8...
  15. manny jane

    Coco Growers Unite!

    so i can rinse all the dirt off the roots and place them right into the coco medium? i haven't transplanted yet cause im concerned with giving it the A+B nutes with out more than a gallon jug. not sure how to mix such a small amout at a time. how often to water etc. the guy who gave me the stuff...
  16. manny jane

    Coco Growers Unite!

    Problem is the Shultz is killing my plants and im sure my inexperience is too. heres some shots. I think its nute burn, nute lock or ph problems. i had CFL heat issues but now im using A MH light
  17. manny jane

    Florida Growers Thread

    youth felonies on your adult record? WTF? Ive applied everywhere, you name it? denied. I even begged and pleaded with a guy to hire me and he said its the state not the company that have made it this way. Its not surprising seeing the prison system in the U.S. is the biggest money maker in...
  18. manny jane

    Florida Growers Thread

    i hear ya. Aldi food store has become my best friend. I find it amazing that so many people are trying some form of crime to make ends meet..Even people i know who were very big on morals and doing whats right. Amazing what well to survive. Biggest cash crop in the world, we are bound to make...
  19. manny jane

    Florida Growers Thread

    yeah i have been unemployed for about 3 years. felony conviction from 7 years ago is preventing me from getting any sort of job. im turned down for everything even fast food.. before i moved to florida i was working a great job making 40k a year and then i decide to move to Florida and im pretty...
  20. manny jane

    Coco Growers Unite!

    Any suggestions going from soil to cocoa? a friend gave me a bunch of stuff and now ill have to re-pot into canna cocoa from Schultz pre fert potting soil