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  1. W

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I haven't bought weed over here in about 12 months. I've a mate over in Canada who makes a bit posting back home, no stoppages yet and it's amazing. I do laugh at the names I hear, Amnesia Haze, Blue Cheese, Lemon Haze etc etc. Some people quoting 500 an O!
  2. W

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    One Hermie type killed, only one plant left. Still drying it to see what it tastes like as I'm not 100% sure it's Hermie but not taking the risk.
  3. W

    These Are Female Right?

    Nah tis Dutch passion feminized seeds, the dark period did get interrupted a few times.
  4. W

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Could someone take a look at the photos in this thread and confirm my fears
  5. W

    These Are Female Right?

    Got some more photos, think it's a male. Only started showing this week, 6 weeks into flower. Any think it's life should be spared?
  6. W

    These Are Female Right?

    Yeah that's what I'm worried about, those are like little balls but I'm not so sure as there is white pistls growing out further up
  7. W

    These Are Female Right?

    Or have thye gone Hermi, white pistils and other strange things coming from the stems. Hard to get a decent photo with my phone
  8. W

    AK-48, 400w Hps, DR80, Canna Nutes

    What's your drying method btw?
  9. W

    AK-48, 400w Hps, DR80, Canna Nutes

    Have you started flushing yet?
  10. W

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Just back from Glastonbury, was having so much fun I forgot to remind a mate to water them until Sunday so they want 6 days without a feed. Anyway day 18 of flower and those things weren't showing when I left! Still awhile to go and I'm worried about running out of room, decided not to...
  11. W

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Question: I don't have any fans on yet, stuff is growing in an outdoor garage, don't need to worry about the smell. I'll put the fan on when flowering which will be Friday, do you guys leave it on a timer or 24hr?
  12. W

    AK-48, 400w Hps, DR80, Canna Nutes

    I just bought the 250l for €32!! Only second time growing so we shall see, messed up the last time and the stuff tasted like shit, was smoking it after 4 -5 days. Got a 600w tent set up but only doing 2 plants. 2 weeks into veg, going to give it one more and then switch to 12-12
  13. W

    AK-48, 400w Hps, DR80, Canna Nutes

    You using Canna Boost for flowering? The stuff that's 80 quid a bottle, it worth it?