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  1. Budluvin

    1st Grow Cfl

    Hey BG, things ar looking ripe my friend notlong till the finish now.... dontworry what your doing seems to be working just fine and am sure the end results will speak for themselves. My friend Raylan has just done the chop and has started to cure (...
  2. Budluvin

    Pukka Bud's Coco Grow Journal!

    Hey Pukka, your girls are looking good as always my friend,deffinatly dialed in to a fine art now... nice. I meant to ask you how you finished off with your girls in coco. Did you leave them in the dark for the last two or three days>? i know you flushed with water for the last 4 days but did...
  3. Budluvin

    G13 Pineapple Express and UFO Skunk #1 from Attitude. First Time Hydroponics Grow

    Dude, that is some sick as Buddage there like... you look like you have a realy healthy harvest there bro. Congrats. I am glad to have been hear watchin since the begining and cant believe the chop is hear already. + rep my friend. Let me know how you get on with freezing and curing as its still...
  4. Budluvin

    Pukka Bud's Coco Grow Journal!

    Hey mate your girls are looking dam fine, amazing growth in such a short time... its fucking Ace. Just updated my journal mate, hop over if you get the chance... my girls are really coming along now... would be good to see what you think about there development.. cheers mate.
  5. Budluvin

    1st Grow Cfl

    yeh them girls do like being tied down! lol. budsite progression is awesome. glad you will stop in, on my next grow gonna start a thred instead of a grow journal, so much easier!! what is it you use your light meter for exactly....?
  6. Budluvin

    1st Grow Cfl

    Hey BG, yourLST job has turned out good, your girls practically at a 90 degree angle, as i said in my last post deffinatly think that is allowing light to penetrate to more bud sites, right on trying to get some light down there. Good job so far mate:clap:. Added another update today for my...
  7. Budluvin

    Pukka Bud's Coco Grow Journal!

    lol sounds good mate, got an even better bargain today tho after the turkey baster prompt, got me a two pice syphone pump at my local DIY store for £1.50, does the trick and i can drain my res fro my hydro grow as well Saaaweeet! p.s your hunnies are looking fine as usual mate!
  8. Budluvin

    G13 Pineapple Express and UFO Skunk #1 from Attitude. First Time Hydroponics Grow

    That is one fine looking grow Raylan, and yeh your right those last pics are nice, very scotty balls esque. Think you have done a super job my friend, considering you had to move your shit half way through... and with time am sure the scrog will come down to a fine art.
  9. Budluvin

    Pukka Bud's Coco Grow Journal!

    thanks for the advice guys! will turkey baste that tray up....
  10. Budluvin

    Pukka Bud's Coco Grow Journal!

    Hey mate had a good one thanks, glad to hear you have too! weather has been tastey hear in the U.K so no complaints! your babes are looking good mate and there just gonna grow like hell once you bring in the 600. Got a few quick questions about your last grow pukka as my ladies are coming of age...
  11. Budluvin

    Pukka Bud's Coco Grow Journal!

    Cheers thanks for that! al get some ordered... and thanks for giving theU.K name for em, am just north of the border lol. Respect for your honsety and thanks for the comment. I know, i should have started a thred, its so much easier!!! But hey this is all a learning curve eh.
  12. Budluvin

    G13 Pineapple Express and UFO Skunk #1 from Attitude. First Time Hydroponics Grow

    Hey dude, your baby is looking gooooooooooooooooooooodddd. She is gonna be tastybongsmilie, i can tell. Nothing wrong with a bit of late LST, and am sure it will work out fine. I took your advice (again) lol and switched over to my 400 watt HPS today for flowering. If you get the chance man hop...
  13. Budluvin

    Pukka Bud's Coco Grow Journal!

    Hey pukka, hope your havin an awesome night at the BBQ. Just got a question mate, when you first put your seedlings in to the prop what were the cubes you put them in? i used rockwool cubes for my current grow but thought they looked more natural. switched over to my 400 watt HPS today for...
  14. Budluvin

    1st Grow Cfl

    Hey BG thanks for the comment on my grow, its pretty quiet on there the now but am sure htings will pic up once i get out the bud porn lol. your grow is lookin good my friend and the LST is working a treat. i think you may even end up with a bigger yelid this way as it seems like the light is...
  15. Budluvin

    2nd grow, indoor growbox setup, BC Big Bud

    Hey Kala, took a little peek in at your last grow and what you have been doing so far. Things are looking good, and with experience things will get better to. I would say that your bud height above your screen and your formation is already exceeding your last grow. Nice work.:clap:
  16. Budluvin

    1st Grow Cfl

    hey, been reading your grow, nice work. I agree with what other people have said with leaving it alone at this stage, i have just put in a scrog screen myself but i am in my last week of flower. Check out my journal by clicking on my sig if you like. It is alway best to start scrog during flower...
  17. Budluvin

    G13 Pineapple Express and UFO Skunk #1 from Attitude. First Time Hydroponics Grow

    on a side note, i was just on SCOTTYBALLS old thread geting me some more tips etc and came accross this its an ultimate waterfarm scrog guide. Very good. I know your almost a pro at it now Raylan but hey every little helps. Basically from what i can see its...
  18. Budluvin

    Pukka Bud's Coco Grow Journal!

    What a find pukka, thats awesome! talk about being in the right place at the right time!! loving the air pots defo going to hit em up on my next grow! Canna coco is the shit, i am updating my journal in a couple of hours so drop in and let me know what you think>? i had a runt that i put in...
  19. Budluvin

    G13 Pineapple Express and UFO Skunk #1 from Attitude. First Time Hydroponics Grow

    Yeh your right man, i have been a bit of a lazy ass stoner recently, been working away from home, but you will be proud my friend, i have been busy. I am gonna do an update with pics today, so drop on my grow in a couple of hours and have a look, as your my number one visitor! lol. Your grow is...
  20. Budluvin

    G13 Pineapple Express and UFO Skunk #1 from Attitude. First Time Hydroponics Grow

    your grow is looking good mate, happy times. Your defo gonna get a good yeild from that!:shock:. I have got me some G13 Pineapple express seeds for my next grow as i have been really impresssed with the results. As you say she is a bit of a nute whore so we should get on just fine, since my...