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  1. T

    couple stupid questions

    Yes, cutting off the water leaves if they are blocking any buds from getting light and properly growing is a good idea. You can also try a reflective material to bounce the light back up to the bottom of the plant. (I'm not an expert but from my own research this seems like the best idea, not...
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    Different Strains

    Ok Nl is gone how about something like Super Nova or White Queen (25%+ THC level)??
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    Different Strains

    that takes care of Ice and Blueberry...and some legit sites how bout the rest?...
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    Different Strains

    Here is a list for a number of diifferent strains im looking for from legit sites... The highest priority beaing 1. Ice (For obvious reasons):hump:...Maybe Nirvana for them...(Has anyone tried's value packs...The one that includes Ice, Crystal, and WW?) 2...
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    5 WEEKS OLD d(-_-)b

    look at post 77 and 78.... very strange they have pictures of the same plant and under similar backround, even down to the type of lighting used... over-analysis mayb...
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    Thinking of Starting My Own Garden

    is it safe ordering online?
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    Welcome New Members!

    THCGrower19 Passin by to show some luv... Great site!!... Hope to learn quite a bit here in the future and become a master grower...
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    Thinking of Starting My Own Garden

    Hello everyone i am a begginer in growing my own yields... I was looking for some advice as to the best set up for indoor growing for high yields... also i want to know where i should buy feminized seeds (I live near ATL, Ga) and im not too sure about purchasing online... (Heard its least safest...