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  1. F

    my 1st trip on acid what a crazy night!!!

    This man knows how to trip. 1 or 2 is cool but wait till 5 or more and youll be a god. dont be scared to eat multiple hits. just make sure you dont have nothin to do for a couple days if you eat a lot.:eyesmoke:and trip outdoors, theres much more to explore and expereince
  2. F

    Miricle Grow Soil?

    yeah i was thinkin that if you can grow vegtables in it then the bud should be should be ok too, i just wasnt sure, i would go hydro but i like keepin it simple, thanks
  3. F

    Miricle Grow Soil?

    Will growing with miricle grow soil make your buds taste funky or harsh?
  4. F

    strange growing plant

    I have grown before but I have never seen a plant do this right of the bat. The plant is only 2 weeks old and is about 6 inches tall but instead of growing straight up it started branching out. So it looks like this Y.(sorry no pic, im to pore) I havent clipped it or anything so i dont know why...
  5. F

    Welcome New Members!

    I just planted my seeds about 2 weeks ago and now my plants are about 2 inches tall. Im waiting for them to get bigger before i transplant them to be sure of there sex. Some of the plants are growing right next to each other in the soil and im wondering if this is a bad thing. Will the plants...