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    Hi all. Need Little Help to Find out What is This?

    Harvest it now and pluck off the bananas. I doubt theres any seeds in it yet. Bud looks good though.
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    bagseed grow pics?

    good job dude^
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    Need Advice...

    So I should slay this plant? One thing I did notice is that this is the ONLY plant planted in MG. So the clones wont be hermi!? :)
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    Need Advice...

    Hey guys, So today I went to check on my babies, I decided to take them out of my grow room to check out the buds and what not (3 weeks into flower) and I noticed one of my plants is going... Hermi. Fml. I have another 7 plants in my grow room, So my question is should I butch this plant? Or...
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    Start Saving your egg shells. Deer HATE them!

    I haven't tried this yet but i'm going to. Sprinkling PEPPER around your plants apparently keeps pretty much everything away.
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    can someone please have a look?

    its fucking beautiful thats what it is!
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    Week 5 how is she doin?

    beauty plant
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    OH CANADA, home and native land.

    Go canada!
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    Where to buy?

    Maybe ill try the vancouver site to get fasstest shipping aswell.?
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    Where to buy?

    Thanks guy's ill give them a try!
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    Where to buy?

    Hey guys I wanna order some seeds online. Im trying to find some OG Kush or White Widow, also I am in Canada and trying to use a pre-paid Visa to order. Do you guys know of any sites that meet these requirements? And of course a reliable place to buy... Thanks in advance!
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    Newbie needs confirmation of gender

    Take it down asap. Unless you want pollen.
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    1 week old plant missing starter leaf only has three.

    Those leafs will die sooner or later!
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    Need Help

    Well they are looking OK, i will do the water trick on the next 3 I have! Hopefully they wont shrivle up and look like death!
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    Need Help

    The plants came back to life, Im going to just take the dome off of the new clones instead of submerging them. Should work, if not ill try dunking them. Wouldnt that be a mess with the jiffy pellets though?
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    Need Help

    I just started cloning, but ive already ordered some white widow and kush seeds since I can just clone off them. ALWAYS have the best bud! And ALWAYS female! Its great. I never tried it before because i thought iit was too difficult... boy was I wrong.
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    Need Help

    I would take pics but I dont own my own cam! But the one I planted is coming to life! so I threw another one in the soil along with it. Still have 3 more in the dome. Just waiting for them to grow some more roots. Why doesnt everybody clone?!
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    Need Help

    P.S. The one I left in the soil looks like its recovering!!!! These plants grow like "weeds"!
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    Need Help

    What do you mean put them in water? Just the jiffy pellet? Or submerge the whole plant? :s I guess I will wait until more roots grow! Wish me luck! And thanks for the help!
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    Need Help

    So I should mist the one I still have planted in the soil? I have them in Jiffy pellets and the roots were just starting to poke through about a cm. Like 5-7 visible roots.