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  1. nekords

    New Zealand Outdoor Grow 2012/2013

    hello...just passing and see this thread from the other edge of the from argentina... 15 patches...OWWH!!.. you are beginning season right now? much vegetative time you got to get to flowering? we are in the middle of its..and some are startin to flower (the most indicas)...
  2. nekords

    South american strain tour 2011

    some kilimanjaro in bloom and the clone JUNGLE!...
  3. nekords

    South american strain tour 2011

    ok ok ok a little update.. summer days hot as hell...and blackouts...too much air conditioning these days..and a lot of new buildings. the team is fine..the Colombian and one of the grinspoons..are stuck in 10 litres pots (2,5 gal) they are the last i have to transplant. the other are fine...
  4. nekords

    South american strain tour 2011

    some new year´s eve update. last week storm bring some growth.. i was totally wrong with the chaka haze harvest date...still have some pistils to rust...look the pics... and also a the complete list with age. 1- mango biche (118 days) 2- chaka haze (118 days) (80 bloomig days) 3- mako haze...
  5. nekords

    South american strain tour 2011

    well.. some updates...the growing is going fine. the ones i kept in the terrace...(all is painted white so there is a lot of reflexion) are like in heaven the hawaii maui waui is increadible healthy.. the pakistan valley...starts to revegetate so i moved her to a 8 lts pot.. i have put the...
  6. nekords

    South american strain tour 2011

    i think 3 and a half week since that 2 weeks more.....this weekend i will update. with some pics... i harvest when all the pistils have change the colour...but with this i will try a little earlier...any suggestion?
  7. nekords

    South american strain tour 2011

    back again little update the chaka haze in bloom this week i gave her some honeywater...exact that 1 little spoon of honey mixed one big glass of water... it gets her fat. also, i will get some seeds..the polination was fine.. back soon. bye thanks for los comentarios.
  8. nekords

    South american strain tour 2011

    well. not much action...but some are showing some grow and others are in new pots.. the pakistan valley started to show a lot of pistils...sign of pre flowering...and something we dont want .. its pure indica race makes her flower with only 10 dark i would compensate this with an...
  9. nekords

    South american strain tour 2011

    monday..i hace returned for a day trip to my ladies´ town.. the sun is strong so they are happy.. heres some pics. and the chaka male.. probably more rains this a couple more the arrival of summer will turn this city to hell... some stoner from here...a true classic...
  10. nekords

    Post T5 Grow Pics

    cool. the sour diesel is like an octopus. you made a f.i.m on it? i never i could use your advice...and try..
  11. nekords

    South american strain tour 2011

    well here some more babies. 1- colombasama (punto rojo) recently tied 2- chaka haze (ak-48 hermie x paraguayan hybrid haze) flowerin...(i take her to sleep in a darkbed before 12hs of sun) 3-chaka haze polinated with chaka haze male 4- ekeji (paraguayan daughter´s aunt clon) 5- paraguayan...
  12. nekords

    South american strain tour 2011

    hell o grettings from southy argentina. here´s my outdoor season´s playlist 1-dr grinspoon 1 (barney) 2-pakistan valley (wos) 3-dr grinspoon 2 8barney) 4-kilimanjaro (wos) from left to right 5-paraguayan daughter (nn x nn) 6-mako haze (kiwiseeds) 7-hawaii maui waui (nirvana) they are...
  13. nekords

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    thanks...i ll be back in two we can see the difference....
  14. nekords

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    what do you think of this.? is in much time left) i was thinking in 2 weeks... also y have polinated it...4 weeks ago... the 2 pics.. thanks!
  15. nekords

    Any Idea of what this could be?

    i have 2 plants seeds came in compressed marihuana ..probably from paraguay one, the tall..that the typical ordinary from here the other seems to have a good genetic...bu no smell at all. anyone have an idea of what strain could be... here the pictures.... and i also polinate some of that...