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    GH Cheese

    lol we dint really dry it people had it wet lol more ££££ for us so we dint lose no weight i dunno if im gonna do annother grow this year as x-mas is now sorted so i might just wait till next year and do aload out side
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    GH Cheese

    well we smoked it and it got us fucked so ready to sell they deff wernt ready but id rather have not ready weed then none lol thats wat would of happend as it was all out doors in a shed with not very good locks as we done it on a budget
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    GH Cheese

    hi guys my cheese has been choped and ready to start smoking soon we choped a bit early as too many people found out and we dint feel safe leaving it an extra 2 weeks its a very strong smoke wow im really amazed we pulled 28 oz all together and are gonna be making sum hash soon with the trimings...
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    FOX FARM 100% Organic

    your so lucky id say fox farm is the best soil and nutes money can buy unfortunalty im in the uk and canot get fox farm so im using canna but in the last few weeks ive seen it on ebay and will defo get it for my next grow happy days
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    has weed gone dry in your area ???

    hi just woundering if weed is dry in your area im in the uk and rite down south and it has gone so dry people have just started charging £25 an eight omg i cant wait to crop lol think ill be the only 1 down ere with weed lol
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    The 3 Cheeze

    wat was your final yeild m8 of each plant i wanna know wat to expect lol can i get my new 40inch flat screen t.v and the new sofa for the missis lol lol lol
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    Mother's Finest 1000W Aeroponics SCROG

    1000w nice choice is what im using to flower my 9 cheese plants but im not gonna use again it cost to much in electricity and you could pull just as much bud of a 600w for half the price of electricity ill be watching good luck
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    need help about soil

    hi guys im not sure what a plant of my m8s got but i keep finding little tiny orange eggs well they are really small and wen you squeze them they pop and puss comes out also the top soil is coverd in whight stuff wat i put down to mould but i really wanna know if these lil eggs are ment to be or...
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    GH Cheese

    thanx for all the replys guys checked all ya grows out my self and its all looking good happy days :joint:
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    Church and Cheese Grow

    nice and healthy looking plants you got there m8 nice grow and happy days im growing cheese just gone into week 6 of flower pics on my grow journel :joint:
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    The 3 Cheeze

    hi m8 nice bud i think topping is gr8 i toped all mine about 6 times each plant 2 weeks b4 flower and i got lots of bud and the 2 at the top are huge pluss all the others are only a lil bit smaller i did alot of picture searching and by the looks of it i would defo recomend topping with cheese...
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    Indoor Grow: Blueberry & Cream Caramel (fem)

    hi like your set up m8 nice and clean lots of work gone into that looks like nice grow aswell well done
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    The 3 Cheeze

    this of 1 plant m8 nice smoke by the looks of it nice 1
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    GH Cheese

    thanx for the comment they just finished week 5 and i have just started givin pk13-14 and lets see the difference with next weeks pics ohh i cant wait lol
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    Barking Mads Grow Journal, with Pics

    wow look amazing m8 well done fat smoke there !!!bongsmilie
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    Ak47 & strawberry cough

    looking good nice and healthy looking plants there
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    400 hps Scrog flowering

    nice grow man looking really good :bigjoint:
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    My Second grow (first journal) different strains, some seeds, some cuttings

    lol lol lol sorry but this is the funniest thing i have heard in a while you must have been stoned to not check b4 filling it with water lol :lol: your grows looking good there m8 btw
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    thai haze x skunk no1 help needed !!!!

    well i think it was the bug spray i got because the cheese went fucked up too but i got the shity leafs of and they all seem to be fine now ill get sum pics to put on thanx people