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  1. B

    PC Grow: 1 x Low Girl Auto - ScrOG / 250W CFL

    Using attittudes freebie pyramids Tutankhamun.
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    PC Grow: 1 x Low Girl Auto - ScrOG / 250W CFL

    Here for the ride again dude. You have great style in doing your grow/journal. Wish I had the same when it came to doing the journal. Just built a tiny pc case (15"). Trying to see if it is possible to do a perpetual grow with clones in two pc cases. The cupboards are full so I figure this would...
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    PC Grow: 1 x Auto Blue Mystic - ScrOG / 250W CFL

    Electronug, you will do great with it. I have seen your thread, and your girls are healthy and happy. Their are no other differences in growing between the two other then light schedule and lack of cloning. Feminized I am assuming, she will start to show you flowers around twenty days - some...
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    PC Grow: 1 x Auto Blue Mystic - ScrOG / 250W CFL

    Electronug, society, autos will not respond well in 12/12 lighting. I get the idea however, the ruderellis gene in an auto prevents this from being beneficial. Infact what ends up happening is stunted growth on the plant itself as well as buds that form without going into full flower. Minimum...
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    PC Grow: 1 x Auto Blue Mystic - ScrOG / 250W CFL

    Jut checked in, outstanding bro. Fabulous first grow in a pc. A few thoughts for you. First I am suggesting your final weight will weigh in at or around the half ounce mark (you loose aprox 2/3 of weight from wet to dry) I think that the reason you did not pull more is due to the height on your...
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    PC Grow: 1 x Auto Blue Mystic - ScrOG / 250W CFL

    It all comes down to being enough light for the plant, that's it, and you are also right genetics will play a huge part in it. I also think where cfl's are concerned there might be a tendency to have them too far away from the plant. They are not like hps. You can get them nice and close with...
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    PC Grow: 1 x Auto Blue Mystic - ScrOG / 250W CFL

    I agree with you avrum, I have never found that either. I was politely disagreeing with electronug, for fear of being referred to as "cuntish" again, but am happy to see you agree. I grow lots of bud on cfl's only and have never had a problem with them being airy either, but that is what he is...
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    PC Grow: 1 x Auto Blue Mystic - ScrOG / 250W CFL

    The other thought is that you may be closer to being done dude then what you think. General rule of thumb is that when 50% of the hairs have crisped up you are at the point of being done. This is only a general rule and checking the color of the trichomes is always the best, but if I am right...
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    PC Grow: 1 x Auto Blue Mystic - ScrOG / 250W CFL

    Society man, you are in the home stretch and nothing is stopping you now man. You have your harvest, and a sweet one at that. As far as weight goes not sure. What electronug was trying to get at is that with cfl's the bud tends to be more airy and less compact. But I am doubting that this is...
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    PC Grow: 1 x Auto Blue Mystic - ScrOG / 250W CFL

    Society, for a new grow man you have scored an A+ on your buds mate. A job far more then well done. Closer every day now. Looks like they are still swelling up for you. You deserve a full tin dude. High times my friend!!!
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    PC Grow: 1 x Auto Blue Mystic - ScrOG / 250W CFL

    Zip Drive, don't be too concerned. If you are keeping your orders small and from a reliable company, you will be ok. Even if they are stopped by border, nothing more then a letter will happen, letting you know they have been seized. I have had it happen. One company that seems to be great at...
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    PC Grow: 1 x Auto Blue Mystic - ScrOG / 250W CFL

    Very nice mate, definitely will help tied you over. Your getting closer to the end. I'm guessing about 15 days to chop time? Another suggestion for your current pc. If you are going to look at a second one, the gear you have got now would work well too keep a mom healthy and happy for you to...
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    PC Grow: 1 x Auto Blue Mystic - ScrOG / 250W CFL

    Thanx rain, and patty is right. Autos can grow up to 24/0 lighting, in the past I have stuck with 18/6 and have had great success. However after reading up on the assassin, I decided maybe 20/4 would suit it better. Autos do not do well 12/12, and thus other techniques need to be followed to...
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    PC Grow: 1 x Auto Blue Mystic - ScrOG / 250W CFL

    Constant 78, a little cooler when the plants are not as big. The thing Is I have never had to worry about the temps. Two intake fans and one exhaust keep the air really moving. I have actually added two extra lights in the past (6 total) for light to the under layers of the plant and never had...
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    PC Grow: 1 x Auto Blue Mystic - ScrOG / 250W CFL

    For the rest of you try this on your next grow if you wish, instead of soil pick up the following 1) potting mix 2)perlite 3) vermiculite. Use the ratio, 50 % potting mix, 30 % perlite and 20% vermiculite (all can be found at a gardening store). This mix is a much lighter mix then soil and...
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    PC Grow: 1 x Auto Blue Mystic - ScrOG / 250W CFL

    No worries Skunky, will not be addressing him after this. First off he is going after you now for saying calm down, second he slashes yet again for my 2 1/2 ounces when everyone who has been growing for a while learns the small tricks that can get you an ounce plus off an auto. Should take a...
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    PC Grow: 1 x Auto Blue Mystic - ScrOG / 250W CFL

    Not at all being cuntish, just weeding out the misinformed, but really "cuntish". That's very noble of you. I happen to think our friend here is doing a fine job and is not wasting a thing. 35 grows under my belt means I have learned one or two things that I can offer. And when you have done...
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    PC Grow: 1 x Auto Blue Mystic - ScrOG / 250W CFL

    As well, in order to keep a plant a reasonable size for the pc you must throw it into flowering after two weeks, and doing this you end up with roughly the same amount of pot as an auto. As I said earlier the biggest benift of using regular plants is the ability to clone, and that means two...
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    PC Grow: 1 x Auto Blue Mystic - ScrOG / 250W CFL

    My bad electronegative, except for the fact that it's easy to pull an ounce off an auto, not to mention the fact that autos are the ideal plant for pc growing, given the limited space. Regular plants require a GREAT deal of lst'ing to fit into a pc grow. I happen to completely disagree with the...