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  1. 1

    also i just topped them...and there omly three weeks old did not know when to do it friend told...

    also i just topped them...and there omly three weeks old did not know when to do it friend told me to top it if i went them that true.....
  2. 1

    whats up sneaker head maybe you can help me one of my plants leaf stems are turning yellow do...

    whats up sneaker head maybe you can help me one of my plants leaf stems are turning yellow do you know anything about that what should i do.....
  3. 1

    24/hour light in veg is it good or should I 18/6?

    i also have a baby plants that are three weeks old and have had them on 24/7 lighting dont know if that could be bad or not can someone plez help...
  4. 1

    my plants are two weeks old when do i put them in the 12/12 stage can yo help

    my plants are two weeks old when do i put them in the 12/12 stage can yo help
  5. 1

    What to do after sprout?

    i have a question maybe you guuys can help me i have a regular grow on the top of my plants it a flourescent grow light 510 lumens 15 watts its an 18" bulb. my plants have 9 days since sprouts.has yellow tips,and puple stem. the other has shriveled up textured leaves and yellow sots on the round...
  6. 1

    you think you can help me

    you think you can help me
  7. 1

    whats up bro

    whats up bro
  8. 1

    Curling Yellow leaf tip PICS PICS

    hey man whats going on i have a similiar problem but my plants are about a week old and i dont know if i am doing something wrong or what because i germinated these seeds my self and really dont know what i am doing but the one plant the textured leaves at the ends are shriveled up and kinda...