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  1. eugene36

    13 light 11 dark

    Thanks. Not what i wanted to read but i asked:blsmoke:
  2. eugene36

    13 light 11 dark

    hairs are already brown, but new growth comes with new white hairs.
  3. eugene36

    13 light 11 dark

    5 wks. in the middle of the bud it looks like there are seeds wanting to start. does this class hermie?
  4. eugene36

    13 light 11 dark

    My light cycle of 13/11 got switched,(13 light 11 dark) or it possibly was set up that way. I am 5wks in and seeing seedpods in the buds. What to do? What to look if i keep?
  5. eugene36

    Male or Female??

    are they flowering now? before then its hard to tell. i have heard that males grow faster and stink quite a bit more before flowering. did you start from seed?
  6. eugene36


    been using this site for a few months. i have gone 2 flowering cycles and finally got my 1000w hps. what a difference. anyone know if using a window unit for temp and circulation, with a couple fans is okay.
  7. eugene36

    Help She's Been Burned

    any new nutes lately? if not pull lights away 4-8" worked for me, and i pull off 30-40 % dead leaves if the are low on the girl. neem oil if you want to spend money? or couple drops? of dishsoap i have heard
  8. eugene36

    flowering time

    the main cola 100%? and just wait. dont want to flower to long, but anxious as hell
  9. eugene36

    flowering time

    i have some pineapple and would like to know how long do i flower? I have 30X lens. how long do i wait? is there a specific time per strain?:confused:
  10. eugene36

    Advice on moving to California???

    not from cali, but eureka in no. cal is the shiat. I will go back
  11. eugene36

    Light let in during dark time

    I left my "vent" window open during (1) "night" in the first week of flowering allowing light in on the girls. Am i ok to just keep 12/12 like nothing happened or is there a remedy for this?
  12. eugene36

    ICE Plant (PiCS)

    newbie using only cfls and having good results during flowering. what would be a benefit from using metal halide to flower?