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  1. T

    Help lights feel on plant???? Pls

    I have a week and half old plant...just transplanted into final container! When woke up the lights that came with pc case feel off( they should use strong glue when they are making them) so I duck taped back up ... Now lights feel on top plant!! Cut off the two dead leaves!!! Will it still grow...
  2. T

    Just started Dutch passion Mekong High fem

    Now it is day 8 and she now has her first set of leaves. You can see the second set of fan leaves coming! Have not had time to post pics yet but I will soon. Also she is about three or four inches high have not officially measured yet! Pics soon to come!!!!!!
  3. T

    Just started Dutch passion Mekong High fem

    I planted her on feb 27. Just ordered box and waiting for it to come in! In the mean time been using aerogarden 3 till it comes. She is about couple inches high and is beginning to get leaf sets soon. This is my first official grow. Will post up pics later tonight!!! :bigjoint:
  4. T

    How do you use LST shelf??

    Damn feel like a retard !!! Thanks
  5. T

    How do you use LST shelf??

    I just bought pc grow box and it comes with LST shelf how do you use it?? Do you just place over desired height?? Please help would be awesome! Thanks
  6. T

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    Had quick question just got pc grow box and it comes with LST shelf! How do you use it??
  7. T

    How to use lst shelf !!

    I am new to this using pc flower box lst. Getting box on Thursday know how to grow a little ... Had one plant but by time got home from work plant hit lights and tops burned. Just wondering how to us lst shelf?? Thanks