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  1. RLH

    My first all organic grow! Multi-strain

    Sorry this is a no bail situation. The LAST thing I would do is give someone cuts where I feel genetics are suspect. I kept one just in case she was just slow to flip and packs on the weight. So all the cuts, babies, and mom are in the dumper! And yes, more space is great, but it feels like I...
  2. RLH

    1 more time

    Or more importantly hasn't anyone noticed the OP has not come back once to say anything? I call dumbass kid just starting crap to get a kick. So maybe we all just ignore it and it goes away. Or a mod could just close this B**ls**t thread so no one else wastes their time. F'ing wannabe trolltard...
  3. RLH

    My first all organic grow! Multi-strain

    Well I have decided to bail on the White Berry :mad:. Keeping one cut just in case she turns out nice. Nice to have more space :-D
  4. RLH

    ADVANCED NUTRIENTS Organic Veg. Help!!! Advanced Nutrients calculator. 2 second google search. HTH
  5. RLH

    My first all organic grow! Multi-strain

    I forgot my camera today so no pics. Sorry guys. But just for fun took a few measurements and my tallest are now 48" and the shortest are 36". Hence neonknight420's comment on canopy management. Fortunately they are split up and I can adjust lighting as needed. Worse comes to worse, I'll break...
  6. RLH

    My first all organic grow! Multi-strain

    It will be interesting for sure. So far the taller girls are all under one and the shorter ones are under the other. I also have plenty of height (9') so I'm not terribly concerned at the moment. Besides this is just a test group. Taking notes and will definitely use all one strain for the first...
  7. RLH

    My first all organic grow! Multi-strain

    The White Berry in the pics are from clones I took. The others I took are all fully rooted and in solo cups now. I'm still puzzled at the fact that the Fire OG and ATF are much further along than the White Berry. Glad this is only a test run. :) I'm not a MG fan myself, never seen a bag without...
  8. RLH

    My first all organic grow! Multi-strain

    You should be able to find the amendments and just mix up your own. I know you are trying to avoid this, so another option would be to use a good locally available base soil and as your plant requires more nutrition, top dress, and use teas. I'm not a big MG fan, seen brand new bags just opened...
  9. RLH

    My first all organic grow! Multi-strain

    Thx for the info. I thought the fact that I topped 2 of the 3 might be the issue, but it's the same for each across the board. I think it might be a genetic issue after talking to others who have grown it. From what I'm hearing and expected, it seems a little slow transitioning over to flower...
  10. RLH

    My first all organic grow! Multi-strain

    It could on younger plants, established plants it should be fine. I saw your thread on mixes and I personally agree on mixing a batch of super soil. Just find a good quality organic soil for your base locally. It would be silly to pay to ship any us brands when I'm sure there are local companies...
  11. RLH

    My first all organic grow! Multi-strain

    I hope so. I like what I've read at least. Have you grown the strain before?
  12. RLH

    My first all organic grow! Multi-strain

    Having never used ionic nutes I can't speak to that side of things. I still have a few gallons of each I scored from a local rep when I worked at a hydro shop. I would treat it as any other inert (or nearly) medium. For the most part you will need to provide everything your plant requires just...
  13. RLH

    My first all organic grow! Multi-strain

    I do not use any nutes. I use subcool's super soil mix and though it's extra work and requires you to mix soil (SUCKS!), so far I am pleased with the results. This is the first time I've used this mix so this is kind of a trial for me. I use Gardener and Bloome blue ribbon mix for veg and as my...
  14. RLH

    My first all organic grow! Multi-strain

    Okay so today I got to the girls and finally flowering has officially started. Well, at least the Fire OG and the ATF. The White Berry is taking a little longer. I find that a little suspect as it is supposed to be the quickest finisher out of the bunch. I'll have to keep an eye on that. I also...
  15. RLH

    Just cut my girls down

    THseeds has the HDF, it's about a 60/40 sativa/indica mix. Thc isn't through the roof, but definitely good. I'm not against feminized beans, just prefer regular. It's nice to be able to make your own seeds if you find a good male, you don't have to keep dumping $ on beans. I know others who love...
  16. RLH

    Just cut my girls down

    Most any strain that has big bud genetics. Check out Heavy Duty Fruity. big yielder, good smoke. I threw one outside last season in a 5gal pot just for fun. pulled 5.5 dry on a 3.5 ft topped plant. I don't feel that is super impressive by any means, just giving you an example. I think 4 a...
  17. RLH

    Just cut my girls down

    Check out the link I posted HH. Anywhere really isn't what you want to do. Just cause you can, doesn't mean you should. Give it a quick read, it has helped many a new grower. :) As far as what strain and where to buy. That's entirely dependent on what you are trying to do with your grows. Make...
  18. RLH

    Just cut my girls down check this out, should answer all your questions. hope this helps :)
  19. RLH


    Sorry for the ignorance as I'm not the most computer literate person on earth, but what to the stars next to a thread mean, and how do they get there? THX!
  20. RLH

    Gnat Control

    +1 on the DE. Works great just kinda sux to reapply when you water. Never personally used GoGnats either, but we did sell a ton of it while I worked the hydro store. Guys really liked it.