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  1. M

    Led Users Unite!

    Well done. Nice green carpet.. Dont you wish you could just smell the buds on everybodys posts :) we need this technogy....
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    Led Users Unite!

    You know, 120w over a 3x3 area really seems like a stretch. I just dont imagine 120w much less 60w doing much work. But whats this 180w youre talking about now? I dont mean to bash in any way. I am, however, interested in seeing if these lights can perform. Given the situation i wouldnt buy a...
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    Led Users Unite!

    I have a grow half way thru flowering on a different forum with 2 180w advanced LEDs. Just google "magic beans flo n gro" and itll pop up. These lights are great. A fellow journaler who was already mentioned here did a test to compare 3 of advanced led lights but what wasnt mentioned was in a...
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    Complex designs in the future.. Little advice

    Wow. Totally started a sentence and didnt finish it up there lol.
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    Complex designs in the future.. Little advice

    Hello, all. I'm still a noob to the forum but i've been off growing my plants, learning and trying different thing. I'm currently on my 3rd grow and things are going great. My first grow i screwed up and overfed and dramatically reduced my yield from what it would've been. Ok. Then srcond grow i...
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    Switching from t5 HO floros to 600w hps for veg. Problems?

    Hi fellow rollituppers! Im on my first grow ever doing great. All plants are very healthy and strong. Theyre exactly 1 month old from seed and growing vigorously. No stretching. Very tight nodes. Theyre little bushes. But i do have a question. Im growing with 2 sunblaze 44 for a total of 8 4' HO...
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    Super short bushes

    Yea i didnt want them to stretch, just kinda thought possibly theyre too short. But definately look super healthy and pretty. Im going to be giving them their first feeding at 1/4 strength with roots organics line of nutes.
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    Super short bushes

    Well like i said its my first grow. I didnt really think there was a problem but i wanted to make absolutely positive. And i do know its not good to stretch the plant but i didnt know if they should be a little more lengthy naturally. But thanks a lot for the response and reassurance.. And ill...
  9. M

    Super short bushes

    Ok so i just started my first grow. Basically everythings going real smoothe but just one question: my seedlings are looking very healthy but they are super short. I mean 6-8 inches average and growing their 4th and 5th and one even 6th sets of leaves. Im seeing more leaf developeement at the...
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    WorldWide-Marijuana-Seeds | Best Site

    Just an update my beans came safe n sound.. Good stealth not the greatest but definitely acceptable. The free beans look very healthey but about hqlf the ordered ones look a little premature.. Theyre not white but smaller and green although they may still be viable.. Well see what the...
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    My first grow design. Little help with the flower room?

    Ok well i checked everything over and ill be good to go with the one lamp. If i do decide to go vertical later with the 2 600w i might have to separate the veg and mothers room from flower to stay on the safe side.. Ahhhhh now the fun part.. No not starting... Continuing to wait for my beans to...
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    WorldWide-Marijuana-Seeds | Best Site

    I havent gotten an update on mine. Usps still says it recieved notice from royal. They were shipped 10 days ago. Its cool ill keep waiting. Guarrenteed shippings got my back right. Im sure ill be recieving them realll shortly
  13. M

    First grow. Need a little help with soil choices.

    Hey so the foxfarm ocean forest and light warrior mixed 2-1 has a good ph and what is the npk balance? I kno i can just look but id like to ask also do you use that all the way through? And what nutes you use?
  14. M

    My first grow design. Little help with the flower room?

    Ok so 14 amps should be safe then and typically is that for just one outlet or probably for the whole room? Cuz i have 3 different outlets in the room. Im definitely not an electrician lol. And yea the whole system will definitely be below 1800w but i will check the amperage of everything
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    My first grow design. Little help with the flower room?

    Yea safety is the priority.. I live in an apartment and i was just wondering how you suppose i could find out the amperage my circuit and compare it to my equipment
  16. M

    First grow. Need a little help with soil choices.

    Hi all, this is going to be my first grow and im trying get a good soil mix for seedlings then veg and flowering. I want to do subcools but i mean i wont be able to let it sit for 30 days so im wondering if anybody has some good soil mixes. Easy and effective or it can be difficult. Im willing...
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    My first grow design. Little help with the flower room?

    Actually yea thats what i got going for the mothers is a little 250w sun system 2 but i only have the hps bulb. I guess ill look into getting the metal halide for the blue spectrum but will that be possible to put in since it was meant for hps? Also i think if i wanted to go vertical in the...
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    My first grow design. Little help with the flower room?

    Yo know i never even looked into vertical lighting. i mean the idea i liked but i just didnt see it an option in a tent but ill have to look into that. And yea i was thinking one metal halide and one hps for the better spectrum but wasnt sure if i really wanted to but looks like ill have to put...
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    WorldWide-Marijuana-Seeds | Best Site

    Yea not too worried just anxious.. I been searching for a reliable bank for a long time and wms still has my trust. Ill post when i recieve
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    WorldWide-Marijuana-Seeds | Best Site

    I just ordered from them 8 days ago.. Still says that they recieved notice from the uk postal service at Said that for 5 days :/ thanks to this thread im not so worried although i hope the come soon... Chose guarenteed shipping too so thatll aleviate any stress... Got some white widow...