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  1. K

    tiny bugs

    Fungas gnats destroyed two of my newly planted babies so I quickly threw those away and changed as much of the soil on my remaining 8 that all had the larvae and then I did something they always tell you never to do which seemed to do the trick....I watered with one part of hydrogen peroxide to...
  2. K

    Please help, possible fungus gnat and white tiny bugs ?? PICS INCLUDED

    I don't think that's a fungus gnat larvae because it's too big Fungas gnat larvae are kind of clear skeleton type body with a black head and white stuff keeps coming out all around the body You can't really see the fungus gnat larvae cause it's really really small but get a jewellers magnifier...
  3. K

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi. I am about 3 weeks into my first indoor grow. I have 18 plants in total. They are approx. 4" tall and healthy looking. I water with clean snowmelt which we have in abundance up here in central Canada. After one seedling started to yellow in the lower leaves we checked the PH level of our...