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  1. S

    Carport Greenhouse 2010

    I think what I may try to do is actually put my plants in a 5-7 gallon pots, dig an enormous 9' by 6' hole in a hill, and put plants there to flower. I do not think I will have the coin to buy their bulk sizes and since I'm guerrilla growing anyway, I figure this would be the most...
  2. S

    Carport Greenhouse 2010

    Thank you sir! You are a God send to growers everywhere!
  3. S

    Carport Greenhouse 2010

    Ah, that was what I was afraid of. I have been searching forums all over to find an adequate tarp for this task, have you come across any of these light-dep tarps over the years? If so, could you post a link? I am currently looking at 80% mesh tarps, but I am worried that this will not be...
  4. S

    Carport Greenhouse 2010

    Amazing set-up, I am doing my first outdoor grow this year. Quick question, if I am trying to flower my plants early, do you think covering the plants with that tan sun screen tarp over part of the plants (so they get fewer hours of direct sun light) in order to induce flowering? In other...