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  1. E

    4ft9in x 2ft4in x 6ft7in SOG stealth grow room

    I pretty much have the same setup except I use soil and its finished and in use. This setup works great, my friend. Yes, your squirrel cage is strong enough but I ran into a problem myself and maybe you can help me. I have my squirrel cage suspended on bunjee cords and a duct leading from that...
  2. E

    In research I couldnt find a straight answer

    What are ideal nutrients for the growth cycle, flower cycle, and cloning? I use fox farm soil (very rich in nutes), my plant is a little less than 2 months old and has been in 12/12 for about 2-3 weeks. The plant is in a 4 gallon pot and usually needs watering every 2 days or so. I use a 400...
  3. E

    What nutes to use?

    What are ideal nutrients for the growth cycle, flower cycle, and cloning? I use fox farm soil (very rich in nutes), my plant is a little less than 2 months old and has been in 12/12 for about 2-3 weeks. The plant is in a 4 gallon pot and usually needs watering every 2 days or so. I use a 400...
  4. E

    What nutes should I use?

    What are ideal nutrients for the growth cycle, flower cycle, and cloning? I use fox farm soil (very rich in nutes), my plant is a little less than 2 months old and has been in 12/12 for about 2-3 weeks. The plant is in a 4 gallon pot and usually needs watering every 2 days or so. I use a 400...
  5. E

    Some questions I need answered. Pics Included.

    I know bro but i took them on my phone... they only get less visable if i blow them up =\
  6. E

    Some questions I need answered. Pics Included.

    1. Male or female? 2. How does my plant look overall? Should I trim anything? 3. What are the ideal nutes for both cycles and for cloning? 4. I included 1 pic of one leaf with a strange deformity... its the only pic with a finger in it lol... a few of the leaves on my plant actually grew...
  7. E

    Should I LST? .....maybe??

    rotate your plant 45 degrees every 2 times a day
  8. E

    Some questions I need answered. Pics incuded.

    Sup guys. I started growing my plant in my walk-in closet (about 5.5ft by 5.5ft) a little less than 2 months ago. This is my first growing experience. It's worth mensioning that I was too impatient to wait until I had enough money to buy all of the ideal supplies/equipment to start growing so I...
  9. E

    I cant seem to keep my clones alive.

    well this is actually my second attempt at cloning. see i dont have a grow shop around here... closest one is about an hour away. The clones are deep green, the way they should be... but they just get weak and droopy
  10. E

    I cant seem to keep my clones alive.

    Hey guys. MY situation is that I do not have a clone dome... do I NEED that to clone? im pretty much growing my clones right out of the rockwool and i moisten and mist them twice a day... but they get all droopy and weak. My mother plant is more than a month old. Im pretty clear and confident on...
  11. E

    Help! I dont want to burn my house down!

    Yo! Okay, so I have a walk-in closet in my room. Nobody ever really comes in my room besides me and my friends so its a good place. My plan is to eventually have two separate grow rooms: one for the growth cycle, one for the flower cycle. I have it all planned out and I only have a few more...