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    entire crop lost!!

    I look at them every day when they wake up. They're covered in seeds And no...not them from some Joe own fault! and yes...all ruined.
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    entire crop lost!! goes.. 2 weeks to harvest and low and of three ladies is a Hermi. Yup...noticed a shit load of seeds. I found a single pollen sack and it was popped opened. I'm so pissed and sad at the same time. BUT...I was checking out my main lady and yes the bottom buds going up to...
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    Is this normal???

    also noticed that there are hairs coming out of the ones that split alittle...does that indicate a hermi?
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    Is this normal???

    Polinated from what?? I have no males around and I checked all the plants between 1 -2 weeks in. No males. Well...there wer 2 males but I got rid of the right away and very early.
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    Is this normal???

    I just re checked them and now I toniced it on my main lady. They're all over them. I carefully cut a few off that looked split and split them. all there was inside was juice (water I guess) there is no it's not a hermi...then this is normal?
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    New here, lot's to gather in. Help with grow space

    I have 3 ladies in bloom with one 400w HPS...ther're doing awsome. I thought for sure I would need a 6oow but I guessed wrong. So heat for me isn't a problem. I just added another 3 in the room.. It's only a 4x6 six but it's not as crowded as I thought it would be. How many ladies were you...
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    Do These Look Fine To You?

    For one it looks like you didn't put enough soil in them cups. They stretched thin like crazy to get some light due to the fact they were low in the cup hence no support that's why they are leaning. I would add a little more soil to get them supported then do what BakedBlake sugested and get...
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    Is this normal???

    I need insight on this. Again I'm new at this so I'm not sure what this is. I have 3 ladies in bloom (5 weeks) and I just noticed on one of them that there are bulbs growing? No not the flower but bulbs. (pic posted) Is this normal?
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    How are my ladies doing? (advise plz)

    Hi gys and gals. I just need a little insight on how my girls are doing for 5 weeks in. Also..if much crystals I should be seeing in the next couple of weeks. I am new at this. This is my first grow and I've done alot of reading before diving into this. I have a couple of...
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    Slow Yellowing from the bottom leaves

    well...I did the Nitrogen feed...didn't really help did slow it down so I flushed out all 3 ladies and then continued the same feeding nutes but added Mag/Cal to the bloom food (Iguana). seems to be working. Posting pics of my main lady of 5 weeks in. Can someone tell me if this is...
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    Clones Budding while under 24hr lighting

    Well I'll tell you what...this is my first grow and I kinda find this site has alot of ideas and controversy are some pics of my cheap set up...pic #1 is my grow room..a little tight but I made it work. I have 4 fluro bulbs and also 2-100W MH bulbs on 24hr. Seems to be working no...
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    Clones Budding while under 24hr lighting

    400W HPS in a 4ft by 6ft high closet.
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    Slow Yellowing from the bottom leaves

    Nice man...really nice!! ;)
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    Slow Yellowing from the bottom leaves girls are STRETCHING like crazy...the look like they've sprouted spider legs...but nice legs. Using 400W HPS 18 inches above them. Just noticed my largest plant out of the 3 has started to develop yellow leaves also and one I posted the pics, is getting worse. *sigh* I increased the...
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    Slow Yellowing from the bottom leaves

    Oh man...thanks for the advise. I'm on the Nitrogen as we speak. And I agree... a thread should be opened on this topic I mean..I was wondering why thew other 2 are not yellowing...and one of my other girls is larger than the one on the pic I posted. Stupid question hut... Should I also add...
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    Slow Yellowing from the bottom leaves

    Did I mention this is my first grow?? Thanks...I guess I panicked because the other 2 girls are all still yellowing except the one in the pics.
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    Slow Yellowing from the bottom leaves

    Hello guys and gals. Ok...I've got 3 ladies in bloom going on 3 weeks as of Thursday, all the same white widow strain and all watered at on the same schedual. Using Iguana juice as directed. Ph is ok and got them all on 12h cycle. I only water them by the wieght of the pots about every 4 to 5...
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    Clones Budding while under 24hr lighting

    Alright..i'll leave them as is...there are very small clones like 4 to 6 inches...I still have to leave them to veg for a bit yet. At least another 2 months..I also find the temp where they are located a little cool. (around 20 C) should I relocate them to warmer location? I've got all 3...
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    Clones Budding while under 24hr lighting

    Got a question here and I hope someone can help me out. I've got 23 clones under 4 fluorescent 35w/each bulb and been that way for 10 days. They were doing ok till this morning. 9 of them have started to grow hairs (FEMALES). mY QUESTION IS....WHY ARE THEY BLOOMING WHILE UNDER 24/7 LIGHTS? What...