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  1. G

    Mold in top few inches of soil (pics)

    Thanks folks, appreciate the feedback! Ive never seen it so robust and covering so much outer soil so it just caught me by surprise. Again thank ya for the input, take care and keep on growing strong.
  2. G

    Mold in top few inches of soil (pics)

    I assume i am not over watering, and i do let my soil dry out quite a bit before i water again. (plants are usually about wilting) I use 707 soil, and when i transplant i add Roots Organic Uprising(grow,foundation, and elements), plant success, Azos, lime, and some groganic. As for food on a...
  3. G

    Plants yellowing from inside with spots spreading

    whoops... cooould be white flies or fungus gnats :confused:
  4. G

    Plants yellowing from inside with spots spreading

    i dont thiink its a bug. at least im fairly positive its not. It appears to be a foliage disease. I dont know this for a fact, but I too am having the same issue and came on here to investigate. I believe it is from the high humidity and high temperatures. It almost looks to me like Grey leaf...
  5. G

    First Attempt at Indoor Flowering-600w V-scrog (#1Skunk,Trainwreck,and 2 new strains)

    Week 4 (as of yesterday 4/4) Lots of yellowing on the TW especially. I Upped my fert strength to 1/4 of what is recommended by Earth Juice. A closer look at BG/Diesel top view of TW TW again Getting plump and juicy, keep it coming ladies..
  6. G

    First Attempt at Indoor Flowering-600w V-scrog (#1Skunk,Trainwreck,and 2 new strains)

    Week 3. Lots of yellowing in the lower fan leaves. I have read and I assume they should start doing this naturally, but not at this fast of a rate. Its probably because of my new fert schedule, or lack of a solid feeding schedule. I hit them at 1/5 what is recommended on the Earth Juice Original...
  7. G

    First Attempt at Indoor Flowering-600w V-scrog (#1Skunk,Trainwreck,and 2 new strains)

    Week 2 Like stated above, replaced both plants on the left. The Trainwreck and BG/Diesel started budding up ever so slightly.
  8. G

    First Attempt at Indoor Flowering-600w V-scrog (#1Skunk,Trainwreck,and 2 new strains)

    And back to the Flower Tent.. The Plants were placed in the finished tent on 3/7 and one week later I removed the two on the left and replaced them with two different ones. (One of my crosses ended up being male :p, and I didn't like the square 9"x9" white pot the skunk was in.) I do realize the...
  9. G

    First Attempt at Indoor Flowering-600w V-scrog (#1Skunk,Trainwreck,and 2 new strains)

    Here is a peak at the Veg room. Mostly T5's along with a Lumatek 600w Metal Halide. The only thing missing from these picture is my cloning box, which is going to be chalk full in a day or two when i get the space. List o' Strains: Trainwreck, #1 Skunk, Blue Moonshine, Chem dog, Bubblegum...
  10. G

    First Attempt at Indoor Flowering-600w V-scrog (#1Skunk,Trainwreck,and 2 new strains)

    Hello people of the RIU community! :joint: I have been lurking around for over a year now, and really enjoy seeing all the different grow ops people have going. So why not share... I have been a strictly veg grower for 2-3 years now, vegging for 2 other people, because I kinda lack the...
  11. G

    what can i use for bugs? veg

    Sesame oil and a drop or two of nonscented, organic dish soap
  12. G

    HOW TO KILL SPIDER MITES 100%: " Naturally - no chemicals"

    Sorry if this has already been said, several pages to read though.. My buddy just told me to try spraying with a mixture of 1-2 tsp of sesame oil, and 2 drops of dish soap Per Gallon. And spray everything... pots, soil, all parts of the plant, daily. Neem doesnt seem to work, nor does Az...