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  1. Tyler D.

    My medical grow in progress

    That doesn't look good dude. One drop in a gallon doesn't sound to horribly terrible but then again it is soap.. If you just watered with that stuff and you flushed them well, (draining at least twice the amount the pot can hold) they should pull out but they''ll have scars. Are you using any...
  2. Tyler D.

    My medical grow in progress

    Very nice!! You can always add a teaspoon or so of vinegar to drop your pH.
  3. Tyler D.

    News just in!!!!! Look inside!!

    and yes there is obvious burns on 3,4, and 5. With low yeild but hey thats why I practice on free bag seeds. I've realized light is only one small aspect of growing. Learning fertilizing, watering, and general care for the plant can be done under 3-4 cfls per plant. If you buy $hit weed there...
  4. Tyler D.

    News just in!!!!! Look inside!!

    There we go. Pick one and two are the 2 that survived (earlier post left off here). 3 is the one i flowered, the other was mommy. Pic 4 is one grow, 5 is another. 6 is one of the smaller nugs that i hadn't smoked yet. Fast forward a few cycles and there is 7. 8 is the last batch i...
  5. Tyler D.

    News just in!!!!! Look inside!!

    Thank you. They just grow up so fast. Seems like yesterday they were just my little sprouts.
  6. Tyler D.

    My medical grow in progress

    in other words yes you can add to much.
  7. Tyler D.

    My medical grow in progress

    I believe lime isn't so much a buffer as it will just rise your pH. Basic soil is also bad. Do you have a pH meter?
  8. Tyler D.

    News just in!!!!! Look inside!!

    oh ya and how do you post more than 4 pics at a time?
  9. Tyler D.

    News just in!!!!! Look inside!!

    ya even if i put it to the ceiling and leave the door open its 100+, at 750 its 90-100. I am not even going to flower them completely I just thought i'd get a little bud from'em. I'm waiting for the mothers i just topped to produce more main shoots and then top those so I'll have plenty of...
  10. Tyler D.

    News just in!!!!! Look inside!!

    Done. Its actually a 1k ballast and hps bulb dimmed to 500w. I can dim by 25% = 750 w or by 50% = 500w. Got the kit off ebay from "gothamhydroponics"
  11. Tyler D.

    News just in!!!!! Look inside!!

    Like nothing. maybe an ounce. I didn't think changing fertz would matter I had thumbed through but not entirely read the marij grow bible and had done zilch online research. I just saw seeds in first time for a long time in the expensive weed i use to buy so i thought: "i bet this...
  12. Tyler D.

    My medical grow in progress

    No prob. Idk what DE is but the main thing is that you cover the soil and it sounds like you did so they should be on their way out. Ya they are annoying! I've heard good things abaout fox farms and I've seen recipes on here that should work really well and you don't even need fertilizer just...
  13. Tyler D.

    News just in!!!!! Look inside!!

    Not quite ;) and thanks, i'm subd to yours too. Here are some pics of my very first grow with the bag sativa. Got some dank with seeds in it, which was uncommon but now that i think back maybe the grower was breading? Regardless, I didn't know wtf i was doing at all, which is why they are...
  14. Tyler D.

    My medical grow in progress

    I use to have fungus gnats quite often. Eventually found out it was the MG soil, it came with eggs in it. I also grew in MG soil for a while and always had problems, like your yellowing. I moved to coco and havn't looked back. Anyway, how you kill them is by getting a bag of playground...
  15. Tyler D.

    News just in!!!!! Look inside!!

    Now that you're here i'm pleased to announce the late breaking event that they're all female!! 4x Jack Herer (sensi seeds) 1x Sage (TH seeds) 1x White Widow (Dinafem) Granted the sage and ww are both feminized, lol. 4 JH seeds were planted and not only did all germinate but they all...
  16. Tyler D.

    Polycarbonate (Plexiglass) + Homemade Cooltube

    I'm pretty sure NOWitall is right. I work with poly and I would bet that within 5 hours the following would happen: shit will start to melt and soften then pull apart, then fail all together swining the bulb against your grow wall or your plants. Using poly is a very poor choice if you can get...
  17. Tyler D.

    Spin-Out for Chemical Root Pruning

    Big ups to UB! I would like to say I have been reading many of your post and although I haven't read that many I can already tell improvement from the knowledge you given. Thank you. I know this thread is kind of old but this may help anyone who comes across it further... If anyone is...
  18. Tyler D.

    What Size Should it be?

    They use 8 gallon rectangular trash bins that just barely squeeze in there. They got 3 oz per plant with the cfl/bag seed setup, shouldn't they get more with an hid and genetics?
  19. Tyler D.

    What Size Should it be?

    The current thinking is: Shift the cfls to the new tent and put the hid in the current room and dim it to 500w. The reasoning is the new area will not have a good heat exhaust system, it will be a free standing tent in a room. But then they just answered their own question unless there is...
  20. Tyler D.

    What Size Should it be?

    A Friend of A Friend (afof) loves this forum and has been trolling it for a while but this is the first post. Afof has grown about 6 rounds from some bag seed with a soil/cfl setup. The first few grows were shaky, at best, but now they have gotten allot better. They have invested in a 1k...