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  1. MrEDuck

    Hey everyone!!

    A shame indeed and drug users seem to have the tendency more strongly than most. I hope the paat few years have been good to,you.
  2. MrEDuck

    Hey everyone!!

    Very. Was really hoping to see you here still. Gotta start somewhere! The journey of a 1000 miles starts with a single step and all that. Keep it up and the days turn into years.
  3. MrEDuck

    Hey everyone!!

    You too!
  4. MrEDuck

    Hey everyone!!

    Well enough. Hope the same is true for you brother.
  5. MrEDuck

    Hey everyone!!

    Happy Danksgiving everyone!
  6. MrEDuck

    Hey everyone!!

    Totally different. In the case of synthetic cannabinoids it is different chemicals that act on the same receptors as natural cannabinoids. Many of the ones that are really problematic,are full agonists instead of partial agonists so extreme effects that simply aren't possible with natural ones...
  7. MrEDuck

    Hey everyone!!

    Alcohol is the best I've seen sadly
  8. MrEDuck

    Hey everyone!!

    Sad but true Sounds about right.
  9. MrEDuck

    Hey everyone!!

    Good to see you too. I don't think a return is likely from Rory. :D
  10. MrEDuck

    Hey everyone!!

    I have nothing growing at the moment but several friends have her and my other cuts. Right now we're in the city in tiny apartment that just doesnt have the space. We should be going rec VERY soon here so hopefully a legal job growing is on the horizon.
  11. MrEDuck

    Hey everyone!!

    Good to see you! Was starting to worry all the old heads had moved on. Doing pretty well. Coming up on 6 years off opioids :)
  12. MrEDuck

    I miss some of the old members who dont come around

    Lmao. Staring up at the stars the first night gave me a stiff neck. With all the light pollution we hardly have any visible here
  13. MrEDuck

    I miss some of the old members who dont come around

    Upwards of 2g of oil a day has that effect. After stretching in the morning I don't think I was ever in more than moderate discomfort and that was easily helped by moving a little and having another dab.
  14. MrEDuck

    I miss some of the old members who dont come around

    Cannabis is the mainstay, I also use topical diclofenac and lidocaine. The only way I will take opioids is if I flare badly enough I need help getting to the bathroom in the morning. Its happened twice now and the great thing about not being on them all the time is when something really bad...
  15. MrEDuck

    I miss some of the old members who dont come around

    Yeah they stick a needle in the uses rf to heat the nerves up and kill them. The procedure is quite uncomfortable and it was about a 3 day recovery. Those jolts suck. You ever get the one where it feels like a kick to the balls?
  16. MrEDuck

    I miss some of the old members who dont come around

    I have degenerative discs among other issues. I'll get a small script if pain is bad enough I need help getting to the bathroom in the morning. That's happened twice. Mostly I get by with copious amounts of cannabis. I had a radiofrequency ablation earlier this year which helped a ton. Easily a...
  17. MrEDuck

    I miss some of the old members who dont come around

    It's hard getting there but in the end I had really proved to myself it just didn't work for me. Until I'd really internalized that it was impossible but afterwards it was fairly easy. I tapered down pretty low with generic ms contins and smoked a shit ton of hash oil to get through. Basically...
  18. MrEDuck

    Hey everyone!!

    Been awhile. Who's still here?
  19. MrEDuck

    I miss some of the old members who dont come around

    Good to see you as well. I tried to reply to folks individually but it was a lot,to do on a phone. Bummer about missing the Bear. I'm gonna try to be around more frequently for a little while at least so,hopefully we'll get to say hello.
  20. MrEDuck

    I miss some of the old members who dont come around

    Good to see you too!