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  1. StuFish

    Day 4 Flowering-Brown Spots

    Hey Jim, sorry for the LATE reply, I didn't have my notifications set up properly. Have they finished flowering?
  2. StuFish

    2x2x5 Grow Lab - Reserva Privada Headband ... [ 100w T5 veg / 250w HPS flower ]

    Sr. Verde, During your grow back in spring of 2011, you were trying to boost your N during flower. What did you end up using to get your plants greener, and how did the grow turn out? Thanks in advance, -Stufish-
  3. StuFish

    Day 4 Flowering-Brown Spots

    A word about Ph... Yes, you need to adjust it, even in soil. The general range is 6.0 to 6.5 for soil. Uncorrected Ph can lock out nutes, and then the plants will begin to show all kinds of deficiencies. Just my 2cents.
  4. StuFish

    Emerald Triangle Freebies?

    I got in on the special, but I know nothing about the freebies... sorry.
  5. StuFish

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    I have a question. :) I am setting up a grow room in a 4x4 closet (with no door) in an old farm house. Power won't be a problem, as I am running two dedicated lines from the breaker box to the room. But I am concerned about sealing the room (horse hair plaster walls) I will shop vac every nook...
  6. StuFish

    Grow room ventilation design. 3.5'x3'x6'

    Hello, I have a question about your ventilation in the photo. The fan is pulling air from (through) the filter, thru the reflector, and out into the tent... or outside of the tent?