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  1. SirPsychoSexy

    SirPsychoSexy - first box build and first grow

    Quick belated update: I just got my babies from a friend! 9 cuttings in total, about half silver pearl and half super skunk. Pictures to follow soon. Also: Because of bad timing, I didn't have rockwool or anything similar available when I got the cuttings. I planted them directly into some...
  2. SirPsychoSexy

    "How to grow marijuana at home"

    I'm not sure if this has already been posted on the forum but I found this awesome series (broken into four parts) on how to set up a standard grow room and grow start to finish. YouTube - how to grow marijuana at home-part 1 YouTube - how to grow...
  3. SirPsychoSexy

    SirPsychoSexy - first box build and first grow

    Yeah those fans look awesome, how much noise do they put out?
  4. SirPsychoSexy

    SirPsychoSexy - first box build and first grow

    Hey man, I got them at Lowes for about $30 each. It's recommended for nothing larger than 60w bubs. ( I have two 23w in each socket so I'm good). As far as wiring goes, it has a positive a negative and a ground coming out of the back of it for connection to a wall fixture. I simply bought an...
  5. SirPsychoSexy

    SirPsychoSexy - first box build and first grow

    Well my idea was to attach some chicken wire parallel to the floor (maybe only 3 inches below the bottom of the lights). As the plants grow I'll lace them into the chicken wire and move the pots down the length of the bed farther and farther...essentially growing the plants sideways.
  6. SirPsychoSexy

    SirPsychoSexy - first box build and first grow

    Cool, I'll likely end up doing something like that, the relative silence of them is a big plus. My landlord has been in here without warning when I wasn't home before and that bothers me. I'll keep posting pics of progress as it comes along. I'm getting 3 types of clones from a friend to...
  7. SirPsychoSexy

    SirPsychoSexy - first box build and first grow

    Hmmm...yeah I'd have no trouble getting the fans...I build computers sometimes and have lots of friends that do the same. Only aren't they mostly 12v? Wouldn't plugging them directly into 120v be...bad? :confused:
  8. SirPsychoSexy

    SirPsychoSexy - first box build and first grow

    Nice, thanks for the tip. What sort of fans do you use in conjunction with the ducting? 80-120mm computer fans or something?
  9. SirPsychoSexy

    SirPsychoSexy - first box build and first grow

    Yes, the mattress will sit on top of a door which will be hinged along the side closest to the wall. There will be a handle on the door (hidden under the mattress) so that it can be easily lifted. As far as air replacement I figure I'll work out some sort of a vent system below the headboard...
  10. SirPsychoSexy

    SirPsychoSexy - first box build and first grow

    Journal of the construction of my first grow box and the growing of my first plants. The only viable place in my living space for growing seems to be an old trundle bed which is no longer big enough for my girlfriend and I. The dimensions (vertical at least) are extremely limited...roughly 6'...
  11. SirPsychoSexy

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey, I'm a brand new member here and am soon to be a brand new grower. I'm interested in posting a full box build and grow log but am not entirely secure with flat out posting pictures of all of this. Could someone maybe reassure me that this sort of thing can't get you busted? My figuring is...