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  1. P

    How am I doing??
  2. P

    How am I doing??

    good idea bra lol
  3. P

    How am I doing??

    i aint gona lie i just want to get massive you tube hits and get sponserd free lights from like hydro farm or something lol im a medical patient/ caregiver im broke now :(
  4. P

    How am I doing??

    i do this lol ha
  5. P

    How am I doing??

    I high alot lol right now cant stop typing ah my back hurts
  6. P

    How am I doing??

    Im high alot lol
  7. P

    How am I doing??
  8. P

    How am I doing??
  9. P

    How am I doing??
  10. P

    Ladybug Help

    I started to have mite problems so i bought a bag of ladybugs (taking friend advice) the bag contained 15,000 bugs, i put about a 100 in thier, they are all over the place. In my grow closet I have a co2 system running at 12,000 ppm and two 500w black star led with 4 plants, just starting to...
  11. P

    Any Advice?(New Patient 1st Grow)

    I just redid my grow room based on your opinon, post new pick in few hours need to make dinner first.
  12. P

    Any Advice? [new patient 1st grow]

    Any one got any advice or next step tips? The jest so far: I am a new medical marajuana patient and I have 4 femenized plants going (exdous cheese, speed devil [auto-flower], big bang, declious la diva [auto-flower] I have a 500w blackstar led hanging, and the light behind it is a T5 High...
  13. P

    Any Advice?(New Patient 1st Grow)

    Any one got any advice or next step tips? The jest so far: I am a new medical marajuana patient and I have 4 femenized plants going (exdous cheese, speed devil [auto-flower], big bang, declious la diva [auto-flower] I have a 500w blackstar led hanging, and the light behind it is a T5 High 8-bulb...
  14. P

    Lighting (L.E.D V.S. fluorescent)

    thank you, that's what i wanted to know. Should I use both or just the 500w blackstar?
  15. P

    Lighting (L.E.D V.S. fluorescent)

    I am a 1st time grower, i have no other grows to compare them to.
  16. P

    Lighting (L.E.D V.S. fluorescent)

    Wtf are you talking about lol? walk a way so much richer??? i have no idea what you are talking about.
  17. P

    Lighting (L.E.D V.S. fluorescent)

    I have 4 plants (3 - 6 inches) under an T5 8 bulb (40,000 lumens i bealive) fluorescent and I just bought the 500w blackstar L.E.D, It was highly recomended for flowering stage. 2 of the the plants growing are auto flowering. Should I replace the fluorescent with the Blackstar led now, or wiat...
  18. P

    Need FAN / AIR advice

    I have 4 plants going now between 3 - 5 inches tall. Should I have a isolating fan on them in these earley stages? these are indoor plants. I herd it is importaint to have air blowing on them to excerise the steem / roots by creating a lite tention.
  19. P

    Lighting Advice

    I have 4 plant's going, between 3 - 5 inches tall now. I have a T5 8 flourencent bulb (40,000 lumens i bealive) light haning aprox 2 - 4 inches above the plants. for the last week sence they poped up I have the light on 24/7 on them and 1 of the plants wilterd over last night and I proped it up...
  20. P

    Water Techniques???

    Hey, I got 6 plants going, about a week old. This is my first crop and i am very concernd about under and over watering. At the plant store they had like a glass blown water feeder that looked like the shape of a mini water tower. the idea is you fill it with water then stick in upside down into...