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  1. P

    First Outdoor/Greenhouse grow please comment and help please watch the link above this is the video of my plants i have 2 White Widow x Big Bud (Greenhouse) 1 White Widow x Big Bud (Outdoors) 1 Unknown (Outdoors) The WW x BB have been vegging for about 4-5 weeks and the unknown for about 2-3 weeks...
  2. P

    Please rate my plants this is my 1st grow and im wondering how its going watch the link above and please comment on the video or on this thread telling me what you think, please dont hesitate to tell me what to do better. They are White Widow x Big Bud 2 in Greenhouse 1 Outdoors i also have 1 unknown outdoors which im not...
  3. P

    Outdoor Garden: White widow, Auto Ak47 & NL, Cloud #9

    its my 1st grow and im growing 3 white widows in my greenhouse at the moment their in a bout week 4 they havent started flowering yet. i look forward to seeing how yours turn out.