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  1. J

    drying with rice

    Very curious about this, I am thinking I'll give it a try myself!
  2. J

    Salvia Divinorum and the FDA in the US

    I agree, it is definetely fun if done right. I think that everyone should experience it at least once or twice. Its not gonna kill you! Its not gonna make you go crazy! And its not gonna make you an addict!
  3. J

    Salvia Divinorum and the FDA in the US

    Just an update, there has been one reported death (suicide) in 2006. Here is a video of a news report about salvia. YouTube - THE NEW CRAZE ABOUT SALVIA!
  4. J

    where can i buy salvia

    I bought salvia from a local smoke shop. I have done many different concentrations and have a posting with some experiences. Some smoke shops only sell it as a inscent. It usually comes in a small vile containing 1 gram which you could probably have enough fun with four people. If its your...
  5. J

    Salvia Divinorum and the FDA in the US

    This one is a long one guys sorry... I recently became curious about the drug Salvia after the thousands of videos that I have seen on I went to my local smoke shop here in MN and picked up various concentrations to play around with and do some research and experimenting with the...
  6. J


    I started out using 5x after doing days of research about salvia. First off, it doesn't sound like many of you posters really know the history about the plant. Shamans used salvia divinornum in Teas and also as a smoke, or they made the leaves into a paste and chewed it. After taking Salvia...
  7. J

    Aerogarden Round 3: Lowryder #2

    Whats up Tec, Looking good, I just wanted to drop you a line and let you know that my first grow of bagseed turned out great. Only yielded 7.2 grams dried. Not terrible for a plant that was cut early. I did take your advice and add lights similar to your setup. I also made a chain and...
  8. J

    How old where you when you first started smoking marijuana?

    Ok here is the story of a lifetime... HA HA So I played in bands, toured, drank like a fish most of high school and the following 3 years. Finally kicked the drinking just before I turned 21. Then drinking was an occasional thing. Don't quite know what the fuck happened from 22-26 but at...
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    AEROGARDEN 24 days from seed!!!

    thanks man, you seem to know your stuff! I'm hoping for some good results. I'll keep you all posted!
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    AEROGARDEN 24 days from seed!!!

    I have bought 2 cfl's because everyone has been telling me to get them. I bought a 23 watt and 100 watt, i think the 100 watt one only uses like 42 watts or something like that. Is it best to place them over the plants instead of the aero light, or should I leave the aero light in place and...
  11. J

    AEROGARDEN 24 days from seed!!!

    ok... just a little update! So far I have had 2 males that I have now tossed out. 1 Female which was the largest plant in the bunch! Yipee... and one plant that had early nute or ph problems and was way behind. That plant has not shown yet and will likely never show its too immature. The...
  12. J

    AEROGARDEN 24 days from seed!!!

    don't know, its my first grow and trying to see what it could do without adding a light or modifying the machine at all. I used bag seed for this test and saved the good seeds for the second or third grow.
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    Aerogarden club
  14. J

    Has Anyone Had Success Without Modifying Their Aerogarden?

    here is the thread with pics of my un modified aerogarden grow! I did have to add some items but it was cheap and I included that in the description.
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    AEROGARDEN 24 days from seed!!!

    i believe they are 24 watt HPS bulbs, I was told at one point at time that the Aerogarden only uses like 60 watts of power
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    AEROGARDEN 24 days from seed!!!

    here is the pics of my aerogarden grow. This is my first grow and so far I have had problems, and fixed everything. My biggest problem at first was water PH. After fixing the problem by testing and maintaining water PH the plants have boomed in growth. I am using Grow Big and Tiger Bloom. I...
  17. J

    Wtf is wrong with my plants, pics

    i am currently growing bag seed, i am using an aeroponic set up but i had the same problem. I then bough a PH meter and some PH up and down from Petco for 1.99 per bottle. Works great!! And PH tester I use is a small fish tank tester from Petco for 17 bucks, comes with 3 refillable strips...
  18. J

    Leaves From Bottom To Thrid Node Pic

    don't know if I can be of much help, I use aeroponic, but I notice in my setup that if the PH was off just a little bit it made a big difference. Maybe if you PH your water first that might bring some good luck. I also use Fox Farms but am currently using Grow Big and Tiger Bloom. If your in...
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    Aerogarden club

    In my aerogarden attempt I started with no nutes, and after 1 week used Fox Farm Grow Big, instant boom in growth and color, its a really nice green. After 3 weeks of growing the plants are about 10-12 inches, the plan is to switch to flowering when it reaches 15 inches and use Fox Farm's Tiger...
  20. J

    Leaves Turning Very Light Yellow- HELP!- Pics

    mine had the same problem, I adjusted the PH to about 5.8 and used Grow Big and it greened right up in about 2 days! Try something like that first