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  1. M

    I Hurt

    Hey Urca, Do not let anyone on this thread get to you. People who try to make a person they do not know feel horrible on a website are obviously very insecure or unhappy in their own lives. The best advice I can give you for moments of depression is to keep moving forward. Getting caught up...
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    What Should I Do About IOP?

    I recently went through a nasty depression. It lead to hospitalization and now IOP (Intensive Outpatient Program). The medication my psychiatrist put me on is really messing up the chemicals in my head. I feel out of touch with reality and not in a good way. My body acted up today. My pupils...
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    My Parents Found My Plants. Please Help

    max316420 - You're a douche. lol I'm just kidding. Seriously though, I would rather not spend five hundred dollars a year for marijuana and have depression (I suffer from it and no medication savor marijuana has helped) the rest of the time. Josh3235 - Growing by the window gave my plants...
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    My Parents Found My Plants. Please Help

    So my parents found my cannabis plants while I was out looking for a job today (I already have an internship in New York City, so I am not a bum, just in poor financial shape). They confronted me at dinner. I immediately came clean (not much sense in cowardly lying) and both of them told me to...
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    What Week Should I Transplant My Plants?

    I am trying to grow outdoor strains of White Widow and Luna Haze. The seeds have germinated and I immediately put them into rich, healthy soil with a pH balance of 7.0 They live off of direct sunlight, although it has recently been very cloudy with spurts of rain :( My plants are one week...
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    Will a Lava Lamp's Light be Sufficient for a Few Days and Will My Seeds Die?

    Thank you. These answers helped a lot. Two of my seeds have already sprouted. I have ten more hopefully on the way. Germination was a b*^ch though.
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    Will a Lava Lamp's Light be Sufficient for a Few Days and Will My Seeds Die?

    I just planted a few of my germinated seeds a half an inch below a surface of dirt. I plan to transfer them to an outdoor area in a week or two. The problem is that I am depending on the sun's light and it will be cloudy/rainy for the next week. Will a lava lamp's light bulb be sufficient for a...
  8. M

    How Many Grams Can I Expect?

    How many people know about the grow? - None who live remotely close to my area. How many grows you got under your belt? - This would be my first. What kind of soil, fertilizer, and nutrients will be used, if any? - Literal dirt from the ground. That would be all. Any other techniques(LST...
  9. M

    How Many Grams Can I Expect?

    I am currently waiting for five White Widow and two Luna Haze seeds to germinate. If I plant directly outdoors and just leave them to nature during summer, how many grams can I expect come harvest? (Let's presume they make it past the initial stages)
  10. M

    Lava Lamp Light Bulb

    It's going to be cloudy for the next few days and my seeds are going to germinate very soon. Can I use my lava lamp's light bulb to provide light and warmth for two or three days?:wall: