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  1. G

    6 1/2 Weeks Flowering - CFL Bagseed. Ready to harvest?

    I love what i got, and dont give a flying fuck if you dont :) you mad bro?
  2. G

    6 1/2 Weeks Flowering - CFL Bagseed. Ready to harvest?

    Wow man you must be like, a magician... You have no idea what you are talking about saying way too little lumens. Thanks for shooting into the dark?? I have more then enough light for this girl.
  3. G

    6 1/2 Weeks Flowering - CFL Bagseed. Ready to harvest?

    Quick update here, no radio shack around so I did as best as i could with my camera, let me know what you think, pretty close?
  4. G

    6 1/2 Weeks Flowering - CFL Bagseed. Ready to harvest?

    Does there come a point in a plants life when its in flowering to just suddenly DROOP? I just woke up out of my haze to see my plant almost looking dead? Its drooping so bad and I know I didnt change a thing! Common????
  5. G

    6 1/2 Weeks Flowering - CFL Bagseed. Ready to harvest?

    smells like a skunks ass mixed wiy some sugar
  6. G

    6 1/2 Weeks Flowering - CFL Bagseed. Ready to harvest?

    hey guys, thanks for the response. Im not hard up for bud, so 1-3 weeks sounds safe to me, hopefully they will fillout more :( shes only lookin like shes gonna give me about a quarter dry at the moment. Anyone have any ideas on Indica or Sativa? I have anxiety issues and I am growing this girl...
  7. G

    6 1/2 Weeks Flowering - CFL Bagseed. Ready to harvest?

    Also im gonna say its more of an indica strand, would you agree?
  8. G

    6 1/2 Weeks Flowering - CFL Bagseed. Ready to harvest?

    Like title says, 6 1/2 weeks into flowering. Not any new growth that I can notice. Buds seem to be as filled out as they are going to get. This is bagseed, has been in FFOF soil since beginning, shes only had Shultz Bloom plus. The only thing that worries me, is that maybe it is still...
  9. G

    Burn Holes on my Leaves (Like ACid was Sprayed on them) NO Evidence of any bugs , yet

    Do you have a DIY co2 bottle in your grow area? Sounds like maybe you sprayed it?
  10. G

    Sick plants

    The bigger plant is fine, there very well could be a issue with genetics with the smaller one to make the cotelydons turn yellow early i am not sure, but every plant does it.
  11. G

    Sick plants

    those leaves turn yellow, they are supposed to. It lets you know as a grower that your plants are reaching maturity
  12. G

    I tried but I fail. Cant figure it out.

    If those girls were mine, I wouldn't worry about the few leaves I see, you have very nice plants with very nice looking fruit. I would suggest just letting them do there thing and not stress them, leaves tend to get yellow and deformed at the end of the plants life cycle. Hope your harvest...
  13. G

    Hopefully an Emergency Evaded

    Well let me first off say, welcome to RIU... This site will tell you a lot of very good things, and a lot of very bad things, so use your judgement and get more then one opinion. I would HIGHLY advise you to check this thread out...
  14. G

    Stealth Bagseed PC Grow 320W CFL Scrog

    dude can i buy your chill cat? jk but srsly thats a sick grow u got man, grats i hope you get a very satisfying harvest
  15. G

    Seedling Growth Stunted

    for some reason I remember seeing that peatmoss wasnt good for seedlings, maybe it was to heavy or the lack of drainage or air that the roots get. 12 days old seems a little young for nutes too, just my 2 cents, nice plant so far tho, bigger then mine was at 12 days old (northern lights here)...
  16. G

    Female Calyx or Male Sacks ??? Please help me Identify

    this is the moment of truth! show these kids what fine ass bitches u got growin when them lights turn on!
  17. G

    Northern Lights - end of first week in flowering - drooping issues HALP

    Yeah i think im gonna give them and extra 1-2 days inbetween, thanks for the reply
  18. G

    Female Calyx or Male Sacks ??? Please help me Identify

    dont chop it man!! i thought mine was a male for the past week, woke up today and i found out i had another bitch to add to the list! DONT GIVE UP