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  1. rumblegrow

    Free Grow Software!

    yo dawg, it downloaded fine, I created a plant and seems to be working fine, "HOME, PLANTS, OPTIONS" are the only available tabs.and everything works besides Video and Pictures under PLANTS works great... OPTIONS is empty. HOME is showing the fake plant i created as a test... keep up the good work.
  2. rumblegrow

    Circle Leaves? Could it be?

    looks like you might have some Dr. Grinspoon:
  3. rumblegrow

    3 Week White Rhino plant showing odd yellowing...please help!

    You don't want to test your soil, you want to test and control your water supply... your pH is always going to change in the soil, because the plant drinks what it can, leaving Salts (TDS = Total Dissolved Salts)... this is why we flush with water... so this would be the super cheap way, but...
  4. rumblegrow

    3 Week White Rhino plant showing odd yellowing...please help!

    I don't know where you live but i have a hydroponic store in my town, look it up, if not, you can get a real pH meter online... handheld and decent start around 40 bucks... I like because it is straight forward... don't trust anything about that meter, they shouldn't even be able...
  5. rumblegrow

    3 Week White Rhino plant showing odd yellowing...please help!

    lol. also, it looks like you stabbed that stupid meter right into your fucking plant! WTF MAN? LOL
  6. rumblegrow

    3 Week White Rhino plant showing odd yellowing...please help!

    I wouldn't trust that meter, if anything, stick it in your water pre-pour... That definitely looks like nute burn though, give it a week of no nutes... don't use hydroponic amounts of nutes with soil, the soil holds a lot more of it then you think... I don't use soil but when I did, I would give...
  7. rumblegrow

    Veg for over 7 weeks -- little growth

    Your light looks like it is way to far away, and I don't see any fans, you need air movement. Watch this at least 100 times with a notepad and a pen before continuing to waste your time and money. It amazes me how many people want their hands held in this forum, all newbies make mistakes...
  8. rumblegrow

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    Uncle Ben is the man, can't hate on him for speaking the truth.
  9. rumblegrow

    Free Grow Software!

    what steps do I take to get it running on OS X? is it complicated?
  10. rumblegrow

    Free Grow Software!

    Hells Yea... I was going to run windows on my macbook air for your program, but that would be like putting 87 octane in a Race Car... Let me know when it is available for OS X and I will start using it and report any bugs.
  11. rumblegrow

    Comcast Copyright Infringment

    The problem wasn't Avatar, it was using a Peer 2 Peer FIle Sharing System.
  12. rumblegrow

    Comcast Copyright Infringment

    lol. yea, torrents are super unsafe... not to mention slow as hell... what you all need, you probably never heard of... NZBs... get a Usenet account, goto something like, download all you want, encrypted, at max speed, if your really pimp like me you setup the program sabnzbd to handle...
  13. rumblegrow

    Best Way to Germinate

    My 2 cents: People use the paper towel method for the same reason they use Windows instead of Mac OS: complicated processes make you feel more accomplished. Facts: The tap root tends to grab the paper towel with its cute little hairs... Tap root is fragile (makes you feel cool when you...
  14. rumblegrow

    Free Grow Software!

    Any chance you will port this to os x?