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  1. M

    Leaves Curling

    What cause be the problem. See stat below. Photos attached Strain: Blue Mystic PPM: 1270 Ph: 6.0 Medium: DWC 5 Gallon Bucket Nutrient: General Hydroponic - Lucas Formula
  2. M

    Help with yellowing leaves.

    Leave are yellowing old and new. PPM was 1220 and PH 6.1. Lowered PPM to 1030. and 6.1 PH. Plant are in veg. Using AquaMist rez. with GH nute Grow-2, Micro-3 amd Bloom- .5 See photo of leaving leaves
  3. M

    Magnesium deficiency. How do you correct in hydro.

    Thanks for the link. It is a great link for future problems.
  4. M

    Magnesium deficiency. How do you correct in hydro.

    Thanks PetFlora. I think my problem is what u stated above. My meter reading in the AquaMist rez is PPM-1220 and PH 6.1. So it is not a magnesium deficiency. I will flush and use a simple nute formula stated in the DVD "See More Buds" (3-Micro, 1 - Grow, .5- Bloom.) Keeping it simple. I...
  5. M

    Magnesium deficiency. How do you correct in hydro.

    I am growing MJ's in a 10 gallon Aquamist. I have some plants with yellowing around the edge of the leaves. I think it is magnesium deficiency. How do you correct this deficiency in hydro using Epsom Salts.
  6. M

    what do you think of Miricle Grow

    I used MG recently in the veg stage with great results.
  7. M

    Gnats and yellow and pale green leaves.

    Can gnats cause leaves to yellow?
  8. M

    Transfer from soil to hydro problem

    Can I stop the yellowing. Or just let it ride its course.
  9. M

    Transfer from soil to hydro problem

    I transfer my plants from soil to hydro about a week ago. Transfer went well with exception of leaves are yellowing. I am using GH feeding schedule in the "grow stage". (3) Grown (2) Micro (1) Bloom parts. PH is between 5.5 - 6.0 and PPM 1200-1300. Plants are in DWG 5 gallon buckets...