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  1. G

    can you make hash from male plants?

    Can someone on these fucking forums just explain when to cut down a male into its flowering which way is the best way to get that fucking tiny ass amount of thc because some unlucky fuckers had only two or three plants but there all male and huge!!! There must be 100 links on how to do it but...
  2. G

    Joint Doctors Chronic Ryder

    Pics of days 51, 52, 53, 54, 56 and 59. on day 59 don't no what the fuck happened i put my plant back in my poly tunnel and went beck out 15 minutes later and one of the branches had snapped off. the doors were closed so really fuck knows what the fuck happened.
  3. G

    Joint Doctors Chronic Ryder

    cheers man yeah i thought i would do it for 70 days and use the extra 5 days to go towards flushing the plant.
  4. G

    Joint Doctors Chronic Ryder

    pics of days 43, 44, 45, 46, 47 and 49.
  5. G

    Joint Doctors Chronic Ryder

    lighter leaves are generally sativa's and darker leaves are generally indica's. i started bloom nutes like a week ago. This strain is dominate indica so i was a bit confused when they were lighter green. i guess it was just a matter of time when it started to show its indica.
  6. G

    Joint Doctors Chronic Ryder

    Comparison picture of how dark the leaves have got.
  7. G

    Joint Doctors Chronic Ryder

    Got really stoned and ended up taking more pics than I realized. :blsmoke:bongsmiliebongsmilie these are pics of days 39 and 40
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    Joint Doctors Chronic Ryder

    This is pics of days 33, 35 and 36. :blsmoke::blsmoke:
  9. G

    Joint Doctors Chronic Ryder

    I have mine in a poly tunnel as well have you got them hydro grow because im pretty certain that Canna Aqua is for plants that are being grown hydro.
  10. G

    Joint Doctors Chronic Ryder

    Cheers yeah i thought i better do a grow journal on this strain because i really couldnt find much on this strain atall. this is my first auto grow so abit concerned on what yeild i will be getting i have used these Canna products on other plants in the past and had amazing reasults with...
  11. G

    Joint Doctors Chronic Ryder

    On day 30 I have started to use Canna Flores, Canna Boost and I also bought Canna PK 13/14 but wont start using that until 3 weeks before finish.
  12. G

    yes why? i am new to this so if i have done something wrong please let me no.

    yes why? i am new to this so if i have done something wrong please let me no.
  13. G

    Joint Doctors Chronic Ryder

    :joint::joint:This is days 21 and 24..:joint::joint: started to flower on day 24.
  14. G

    Joint Doctors Chronic Ryder

    These are days 10, 13 and 16. :joint::joint:
  15. G

    Joint Doctors Chronic Ryder

    :blsmoke:yes i am growing this exact strain and have lots of photos. for example these pictures are 1 day old, 5 days and 7 days.
  16. G

    Autoflower ONYX Grow

    Haha seems like Dooby Lover is too stoned for a smoke report. how many weeks into flowering did you use the Pk 13 14 and when did you use the boost.