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  1. M

    Whos going till November?

    I've still got my last satori out in the ground up here. Temps are holding so it may be 1st weekend in november I will cut her down, last one I cut could have used another week and if the weather holds I may as well try it
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    Who is till waiting to chop?

    Thanks for the big bug tip I have some for my indoor plants I thought it was too late at week 10 of flowering. Should I add any molasses? How much if so? I'm about two weeks from harvest, wish I added the big bud this weekend, oh well. At least I got 1 Satori and my Grapefruit in safe
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    Who is till waiting to chop?

    I have harvested 1/2 of my Grapefruit, still have maybe 2-4 weeks on my two Satori. Already had to trim off four buds from mold and bud rot. Feels like I was cutting off a finger. I just picked up some Big Bud for my indoor, is it too late for me to try and feed my outdoor Satori to speed up...
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    From 3rd week flower! 6 1/2 foot sativa

    Hey hatter, thanks for the props I'm proud of the way that free seed turned out, I'm hoping to harvest it this coming weekend. Does it look ready to you?
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    From 3rd week flower! 6 1/2 foot sativa

    Here is a few pics of my two satori from a few weeks ago above with some more pics from last week below Bonus seed pic, Dinafem Grapefruit Let me know what you think, this is my first grow so I have only this website to rely on for informtion on maintenaince and directions. Blunt
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    how do they look? 2 week old White widow

    Yes I would leave them at least a week before transplanting them. You need the roots to start to dig down for water to provide the stem with a stable base to grow up before shocking it with a transplant
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    From 3rd week flower! 6 1/2 foot sativa

    Thanks for the tip. Came home from work today to see my first BHD starting it's flowers, talk about timely advice :) Il toss up some pictures of my satori for you to check once I upload them to my pc
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    From 3rd week flower! 6 1/2 foot sativa

    Nice looking setup, I have almost a mirror grow going alongside you except that I have three Satori about 6 weeks into flowering now. The hairs are starting to turn red and retract back inside the buds, other than that my sativa's look identical to yours. I'm hoping for a 9 week flower since...
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    East Coast Guerilla Growers

    All 6 of mine were safe fr the winds, got them behind a giant cliff of Canadian shield, gotta love bedrock
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    powdery mildew!

    I just arrived at my outdoor grow site and noticed two of my best looking plants have what looks to be PM forming on the upper fan leaves reaching in towards the stalk in small patches. First time grower, does this sound like PM and should spray with the milk and water trick? I have buds all...
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    East Coast Guerilla Growers

    Hey guys thanks for the tips, I managed to I'd and separate three males long before the hurricane hit and all the girls are showing tons of little white buds. I wish I could put them in the ground but the area won't allow for it. Basically the reason I had to use buckets to begin with...
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    East Coast Guerilla Growers

    I have 6 satori all in 5 gallon buckets all about 6 foot tall now. Two of them have already reached then bottom of the bucket and they haven't even begun flowering yet. They are gonna be 10 foot monsters and I have no way to transplant them into something bigger short of the massive buckets...
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    Outdoor Flowering

    I have had my satori in the ground for two months now and I have just begun to see some signs of flowering on one of my plants. Seems to take forever outdoors, currently doing first indoor an outdoor grow at the same time and indoor flowered way faster under a controlled light environment
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    Outdoor Satori Grow

    Seems the White widow is a boy. Sad but at least it was good experience learning what a male looks like. Does anyone know of a short bushy strain of bud? I have a 3 foot indoor height restriction for a winter grow and I really want to make another go around after the widow becoming male
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    Outdoor Satori Grow

    I also have a white widow that is growing indoor that has just started flowering. Excited to see what happens with it.
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    First Run Satori Clones and Bagseed under CFLs

    Rooting was a problem for me as well indoors. I had to replant my stretchy stems and refill my cups with dirt when they were seedlings. Try to use only water on them for a few weeks and make those roots stretch, seemed to work for me
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    Seed Production. A Tutorial

    Nice tutorial should be stickies so it's easy to find, I've been looking for a how to guide on seed production
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    Outdoor Satori Grow

    This is actually my first grow. The only reason I even decided to try was because Mandala Satori looked sooo appealing both in it's bud and it's survivability. I havent come across any other outdoor satori so this was a bit of a risk for me. I started 6 satori seeds and popped them straight...
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    Northeast summer 2010 Outdoor Planning

    Thanks for he tip, all 6 in pots and looking healthy, any able to give any tips on sexing satori? I can tell that a few smaller ones are female but I heard males are supposed to show first? Any one with satori growing experience?
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    First Run Satori Clones and Bagseed under CFLs

    Nice looking plants, il have to get some pictures up of my 5-6 foot outdoor satori :). Can't wait for them to start flowing like yours