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  1. Martyshoemaker024

    "Main-Lining" Ace Of Spades (tutoral)

    Great thread. Could you tell me why on a clone you only use the 3 nodes instead of 4? Also, since I only grow from clone. What is the difference between this method and Uncle Ben's top to get 2 or 4 main colas method? Or are they pretty much the same if I am not concerned about the 8 or 16...
  2. Martyshoemaker024

    Lucas Formula

    Ok, I'm going to be running the FloraNova 8ml so if I see some yellowing I should add a lil calmag
  3. Martyshoemaker024

    Lucas Formula

    Thank you Drgreen, could you tell me more about the deficiencies you noticed so that I may have a heads up before/if it happens to me. I am growing Platinum Og Kush in Aeroponics.
  4. Martyshoemaker024

    Lucas Formula

    Bump bump bump please someone tell me if this is makes sense before I do it ^
  5. Martyshoemaker024

    Lucas Formula

    In theory, if my aero system has 36 sites I can do a perpetual grow with only one system because the nutes are always going to be around 1000-1400 weather it is a rooted clone or a plant that is finishing up its week 8 of flowering and there is no need for a flush. Is this info all correct?
  6. Martyshoemaker024

    YES! I have roots..

    Any nutes in there? Additives? Ppm? Hard or Filtered water? When will you start veg nutes and at how many ppm... Thx looks great bro
  7. Martyshoemaker024

    Cutting Your Buds Away from the Main Stalk to Dry!

    I've been looking out for a quick dry/cure method. Thx for this I am subscribed and will be back to this post in 11 weeks for reference! I'll let you know how it goes.
  8. Martyshoemaker024


    I think I'm going to start fresh tomorrow. Get the RO filter looked at and in the mean time go to the supermarket and get 40gal of RO water from there and give the babies just plain water and flora shield for a couple days then get them a on a light feeding schedule. Sound like a good plan to...
  9. Martyshoemaker024


    Damn, and I wouldn't mind having a go with 36 of your WW clones. Looking good n healthy. Thx for stopping in. :blsmoke:
  10. Martyshoemaker024


    Thx C420x2, glad to have you aboard. :bigjoint::blsmoke::bigjoint:
  11. Martyshoemaker024


    Water 69F Room Temp 78F Co2 not being activated till beginning of 2nd week of flowering.
  12. Martyshoemaker024


    Full system IceBox 8" Vortex 8" Inline Co2 Controller Semi OK Clones (Purp Kush) Bad Clones (MadMen) HELP! Roots (Black Dom) Like I said all the Mad Men are doing pretty bad like the pic. Is it just from no nutes and hard water? Ph is 5.6 ppm...
  13. Martyshoemaker024


    Nevermind, I figured it out. I will be back shortly with pics.
  14. Martyshoemaker024


    Hey everyone I have been with rollitup for about 5 years now using different account names but this is my first journal and first legal grow! I am now a MMJ patient and have 5 other patients that I caregiver for. Let's start with the hardware. Secret Jardin DR150 - 4x4x8 grow tent GH...