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  1. P

    Portable Disposable Gravity Bong Concept

    I've gone backpacking before, carrying water does not bother me. I can handle the small added weight.
  2. P

    gravity bong & bad weed trip

    This same thing happened to me the first and second time I used a gravity bong. I felt really nauseous, and I had to lay down to feel better. What's worse is that I had brought a girl to do it too, and she was having the same experience, and I couldn't drive her home because I was too messed up...
  3. P

    Portable Disposable Gravity Bong Concept

    I specifically set out to make a gravity bong here, because of how effective and efficient they are. I do agree that this would be something a bit more difficult to hide from people, but I'm going for quality over hide-ability. I've never actually rolled a joint/blunt before either, so that...
  4. P

    Portable Disposable Gravity Bong Concept

    Hey, I'm thinking of a nice portable gravity bong concept. Standard coke/water bottle with the bottom cut off for the puller. Pickle jar as the basin for water (filled to the brim, then sealed for portability). Standard bottle cap with a small metal funnel as the bowl for the weed...
  5. P

    Not getting high

    Thanks for your advice and support guys. Last night, I had dinner with a girl I like, and then we went back to her place and smoked. I had 5 hits from a bubbler, and started noticeing a tingling in my back and head. Before you know it, I was high. I am not sure whether it was the breathing...
  6. P

    Not getting high

    Haha. I have a cold, and my headache is a little worse, might that be something? I can always go and smoke, and just do it for the company. I'll keep trying, but my faith is waning.
  7. P

    Not getting high

    I'm gunna probably give up soon, lol. I smoked an hour ago, and nothing. The other 3 are reelin' they definately are high. I'll try inhaling hard, like Live2Die420 suggests. Thanks guys
  8. P

    Not getting high

    Well, I'm looking for any tips here. I am pretty sure the smoke is going into my lungs based on the volume that I breathe out. I did breathe in air after I breathed in the smoke, to clear the pipe. I also coughed a bit, which kind of implies that I breathed it in properly. I have been told...
  9. P

    Not getting high

    Yeah, I was considering heroin (haha). I'm gunna try holding it in for longer tonight, although the other people with me hold in much shorter and get much higher. We've been smoking out of a pipe, and the one time I tried the bong, I didn't like it as much. We'll see.
  10. P

    Not getting high

    I'm pretty sure I inhaled properly, since I did have quite a bit in me when I blew it out. I'm getting better at smoking, and I will keep trying, because there seems to be no side effects, haha (other than red eyes). Thanks guys, I'll report back later.
  11. P

    Not getting high

    Hi, I am a college student who first tried marijuana a week ago. I think I got high the first time, because I started laughing a lot and maybe felt something, but I'm not positive. Since then, I have smoked 4 other times, but have not gotten high at all. One time I felt nauseaus, but I don't...