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  1. B

    A little assurance on my first grow

    Thanx so much guys. Didnt expect responses for like 2 days atleast. But I keep temps around 65, 70 the highest. Also I havent gave them any nutrients just water every 3 days. But today I notices a little brown spot on the tip of one of the plants leaves. Just thinking the lights are too close...
  2. B

    A little assurance on my first grow

    Hi all. Now my plants seem to be doing well. They will be two weeks tommorow. A few things im worried Bout tho: Im growing in my basement room (moms house, till I move soon) but theres a humidity problem bad and water leak when it rains. Plants have yet to be affected yet. As long as I have...
  3. B

    Hey, I'm Working on my first grow, I'm open for all tips.

    Hey, I'm Working on my first grow, I'm open for all tips.
  4. B

    Welcome New Members!

    HI I am very new to this growing thing, but i have watched people over the years grow. so i decided to give it a shot. But i wanted to know. I live in indiana, can i buy seeds offline and not get into any legal troubles?