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  1. zenno


    well that plant above was a male so i had to get rid of it for the second time. two males and now it's like balls almighty as this last plant i have has balls as well. could be another hermie though. man i'm really unlucky typical really i never have any luck. my grow room must have got...
  2. zenno

    it might be a bit early: male/female

    ok thanks for the replies i'll give it till next week just to make sure.
  3. zenno

    it might be a bit early: male/female

    do you mean it looks boyish because of the little bud thing on the right of this pic ?. 100_3892.jpg lol the way my luck has being going these day's I wouldn't be surprised if all my plants turn out to be male. but I have hope and too much patience waiting...
  4. zenno

    it might be a bit early: male/female

    hello all. this is another of my plants but after having to destroy my last one because it had balls, I'm wondering on what you think this one is ?. it's only 5 day's into flower but maybe someone can spot something to figure out if it might be a male or female. also I have another one in...
  5. zenno


    well i chopped it down it's gone now. will just start again. thanks for the replies all.
  6. zenno


    ok people you are all knowledgeable in your field of growing, so even if it is a hermie kill it anyway ? can you in your opinion direct me to the best female seeds to buy ?. I have heard feminized seeds are not that good. this will be only for indoor grow as the weather in ireland is always...
  7. zenno


    thats exactly what a friend said earlier, I will try and get this camera together and take a few more closeup pics just so people can be sure because i don't want contamination in this room. i'll try and get closer pics of the areas. PS. I must be baked, how can I take pictures when it is in...
  8. zenno


    ? can you explain ?.
  9. zenno


    ok thanks for the info. I will remove it now. so do you think my growroom will be ok as it was only 14 days in flowering or is there a chance that any pollen could have contaminated this area already. ?
  10. zenno


    hello all, new here. I have a plant here that i put into flowering 14 day's ago and it looks to me like a male forsure but i would like your opinion on this. I had very limited room and took a chance from bagseed to produce a female but it looks like i came up unlucky. is it worth bothering to...