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  1. jasperr

    Im confused! pH problem

  2. jasperr

    Im confused! pH problem

    Btw, was this plant root bound or just looking healthy?
  3. jasperr

    LED for a single plant closet

    Happy QB user here, the 135W replaced my 250W HPS
  4. jasperr

    ditching hps for quantum lights

    I got a 135W QB to replace my 250W HID light since it was abnormally hot this summer here, I must say I'm really satisfied! It's pretty much on par with the HID but I can keep the grow tent 7° cooler, I'm sure I'll notice it on my energy bill too Don't underestimate these lights, I got some...
  5. jasperr

    Im confused! pH problem

    I'm not disappointed, got high humidity to worry about now. I ordered a smal dehumidifer but it takes forever to arrive :( Of course it starts raining for the whole weekend now here, nice. Belgian mail and weather is not something to brag about haha :blsmoke:
  6. jasperr

    Growing in international waters

    I'm too lazy too find a link, google 'pickard lab' There is a big story around him and the neurosoup girl, think torture with drugs etc... There are some docu's on youtube
  7. jasperr

    What's the most psychedelic strain you smoked?

    I ordered the Moby Dick seeds from Dinafem if anyone is interested Not going to give a psychedelic high but high thc content and easy to grow, those US genetics are asking a lot of care and attention it seems
  8. jasperr

    What's the most psychedelic strain you smoked?

    Seems like it's going to be a lot of trouble for that psychedelic high... I might just use 1 or 2 sativa's in a SCROG setup and don't veg them long, I'm not going for those 20week flowering strains tho! What about those 27% thc strains and such from the US? Is that bullshit? I'm sure they will...
  9. jasperr

    Nothing dumber than a flat earther

    I feel like it would be hard to befriend someone who can't see the difference between not seeing obvious facts and healthy scepticism, I don't think I could ever get that out of my head even if the subject never comes up. I think being pro flat earth always equals to not being able to use...
  10. jasperr

    Nothing dumber than a flat earther

    Would you be able to become close friends with a flat earther even if he/she is the nicest person you ever met and you get along fine beside that? Would you be able to do the same with a religious friend? Is there a difference?
  11. jasperr

    What's the most psychedelic strain you smoked?

    Would it be a good idea to just grow SOG with those 16 week flowering sativa's? This way it wouldn't take that much longer than a 8 week flowering strain I'm guessing. I never grew a pure sativa before and have limited space so it might not be such a good idea
  12. jasperr

    Are my buds ready?

    Every plant flowers differently, those 3 weeks could easily become 6 in a different environment. Best thing you can do is to buy a loupe, check trichomes and harvest regarding to the effect you want (heady high or cough lock). Even with the loupe it wont hurt to wait a week when you think they...
  13. jasperr

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    You can use cannabis seeds for cooking actually haha, it's not bad Just throw a few in that sauce! going to be expensive sauce though :mrgreen:
  14. jasperr

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Is this a pasta thread?
  15. jasperr

    First ever grow. Need to know when to harvest

    Don't harvest in under a month I think 4 weeks will do it
  16. jasperr

    Are my buds ready?

    A jewelers loupe is really handy for this, I'm sure you know the trichome maturity ratio and that stuff A golden tip I always use myself is to wait until you're as good as sure they're ready, then wait a week and harvest It's harder to harvest too late than it to to harvest too early + you...
  17. jasperr

    What's the most psychedelic strain you smoked?

    Ok never mind then haha
  18. jasperr

    What's the most psychedelic strain you smoked?

    Wut?? I would never be able to handle a 16-20 week flowering strain I'm even having trouble keeping my patience up for 8-9 weeks flowering
  19. jasperr

    Kind LED

    Quantum boards my friend
  20. jasperr

    What's the most psychedelic strain you smoked?

    Didn't they dip those in opium back in the days haha? I'd take it tho