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  1. L

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    Here is my first grow. One 400hps light from start to finish (other than fluoro for cloning). I realize the screen at the bottom isnt doing jack shit, I started flower a week late and the girls grew to be WAY to big, I had to modify my cab to accomodate their size, otherwise they would have...
  2. L

    Vertical vs Horizontal

    Thanks Alpha. I'm planning on semi-perpetual. Just a small chamber to clone and then the one chamber with a couple plants that veg and flower in the same room. You are right it is definitely a hobby grow. I think if my room is bigger than what I'm doing now, the light will easily reach the lower...
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    Vertical vs Horizontal

    Yes, sort of similar. That's a bit over my head though. I was thinking of putting either 2 plants in opposite corners and hanging the light in the middle or 4 plants in each corner. The 7ft tall cab is so I have room for ducting and ventilation and other things, I'm not necessarily trying to get...
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    Vertical vs Horizontal

    Hey all I've done a fair share of lurking these past few months during my first grow. I haven't had the need to post much because I always find the answers I'm looking for with a little (edit: A LOT) searching. I'm currently borrowing a friends set up he has used for over a year. Small...
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    Am I too late to Top my girls?

    thanks for your input guys! I topped today so, hopefully, the plants dont freak out and they grow to be nice stinky girls (they're clones so I know they're female) :eyesmoke:
  6. L


    i dont want a large farva, i want a goddamn literacola!
  7. L

    Am I too late to Top my girls?

    I had a feeling I was a little late. Thanks for the input man. I'll trim up some bottom branches. But for the LST, I was planning on ScrOG method - I'm not sure if you can see the netting in the pictures. Would you recommend LST over ScrOG? IMO they are very similar and just a different means to...
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    Am I too late to Top my girls?

    Hey everyone: I read "Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas" and did some subsequent searches on topping but am still a little confused. This is my first grow and I am having trouble locating exactly where to top and if it is too late or not. Thanks in advance guys! Any...