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  1. Redmilk

    1st grow, cfl

    so this is my first journal. This is all about my 2nd set of clones which wereplanted on 5/19/11. i planted my fist set of plants on 4/23/11, they are still vegging but they are part sativa and cant really thrive as well as it could outdoors. So im just gonna journal the newbies. ive been...
  2. Redmilk

    Molasses With Every Watering?

    fuck i spaced out and accidently read everything to know about molasses :(
  3. Redmilk

    Power outage. Aw fuck

    I'll post pics
  4. Redmilk

    Power outage. Aw fuck

    So I'm gonna try out this new light schedule of 0/24. ;) :joint:
  5. Redmilk

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Does this work well for clones?
  6. Redmilk

    [CFL]Need Assistance[Auto]

    I use vitaboost pro for the youngsters. It's light so they adjust well to it. I feed em a teaspoon per gallon of water for younger plants. And 2 teaspoons per gal after like 3 feeds with only 1. So you give them just water on first feed then 1 day of nothing. Next day give them the nutes. So...
  7. Redmilk

    How Do I Get More Potent Bud from Nutes?

    I have a few different strains all really dank, but how can I increase potency with nutes? And nothing Shitty that just makes it 'look' good ya know? And I'm looking for something reasonably priced too.
  8. Redmilk

    [CFL]Need Assistance[Auto]

    They actually look pretty healthy. Little bit of yellow happens. A few of my babies had similar problems and they ended up growing just as well as the rest. Are the leaves frail?
  9. Redmilk

    Another Cfl First Timer!

    I actually started a new batch of crop like 1 day before yours. I'll definitely follow this post, cuz we have a similar setup.
  10. Redmilk

    Another Cfl First Timer!

    Yea you're golden, good luck
  11. Redmilk

    Another Cfl First Timer!

    Once my plant grew crazy overnight and I fucked up and it touched my CFLs and I got a really bright white/yellow Patch like yours but bigger. It's from the lights and I still have those leaves on my plant cuz they are still alive.
  12. Redmilk

    11 Plant Starter Box

    The more the merrier