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  1. Z

    Plz hlp

    one big branched look like he croocked. this is reason for mybe dew? the temp are getting low......
  2. Z

    Plz hlp

    Thx man your word let me sleep quit
  3. Z

    Plz hlp

    in flowring she need more or less sun?
  4. Z

    Plz hlp

    every day more more leaves turn yellow and it look like she's going to die to me!
  5. Z

    Plz hlp

    i know is not the time but why leave's are turn yellow? she's was in the same place all this time mybe too much sun? or mybe it's beacuse the dew that come form upper tree's?
  6. Z

    Plz hlp

    5 months old, how much longer for 100% production? a lot of yallow leaves i got them off every day//i want bigger bud's, shell i wait more?
  7. Z

    My New l plant

    after few months how much time you say?.....
  8. Z

    My New l plant

    Some one have id?
  9. Z

    My New l plant

    here are some new pic i got a problem. the plant is keepin growing (1.4 m high) but the flowers dont getting bigger.
  10. Z

    My New l plant

    What do u think? can someone can give me advice about watering? (how much?/when?)
  11. Z

    My New l plant

    the seed is form a medical plant that grow in a farm. She just start to flowring. indica or stiva?
  12. Z

    Take a look

    sorry but i'am not pretty good in english so if u can explain me more what is to flush? it refer to plain water?... What is a plain water?
  13. Z

    Take a look

    HALLO NICE DAY!! I Wondering what you can tell me about my plant ... stiva/indica?.....which kind of seed?... she is about two and a half mounth old...let her grow more? or she finishd? And i wondering what is the meaning of the word "flushing" TTHX!!! no one give answer about my plant...
  14. Z

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    here is more pic of daylight
  15. Z

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    HALLO NICE DAY!! I Wondering what you can tell me about my plant ... stiva/indica?.....which kind of seed?... she is about two and a half mounth old...let her grow more? or she finishd? And i wondering what is the meaning of the word "flushing" TTHX!!!