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  1. Katalili

    6 sprouted in 4 gallon bucket

    they are cca 3" apart, at the borders of the bucket. i'll post a pic tomorrow. i'll go to the store first thing monday and get separate buckets. i'm assuming they'll grow in 2 months and then i'll have to take them indoors... is this correct? 'cause we're having a lot of sunlight 'till october...
  2. Katalili

    6 sprouted in 4 gallon bucket

    Hey folks! I was curious, should I leave them together, or separate the each in a separate bucket? yes, i'm a noob ;-)
  3. Katalili

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi everyone! first time growing, the plants just sprouted. but i use no indoor lights, use the sun instead, since i live on the adriatic coast, we've got plenty of that. is there anyone here from the same region, growing using sunlight? i think now would be the proper time for that... i would...