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  1. L

    Seedling Showing Multiple Symptoms -- Need Advice

    Right, but all of these problems (except for the whitening) happened BEFORE I fed her anything at all. I only gave her the nutes yesterday, and she's been doing poorly for about a week now. And it was not even 1/4 dosage. I just sprinkled a little in her water. I agree that the soil must not be...
  2. L

    Seedling Showing Multiple Symptoms -- Need Advice

    Not really an option, unfortunately. Especially since I don't really know where I went wrong with this one yet. I'm still holding out hope for her though.
  3. L

    Seedling Showing Multiple Symptoms -- Need Advice

    I have more lights, but I can't fit more than one over her right now since she's so small. I do think the nutes made her worse, but the problems started before I fed her.
  4. L

    Seedling Showing Multiple Symptoms -- Need Advice

    I have a two week old Northern Lights plant growing from seed in Miracle Gro Organic Soil. She is currently under one 26W CFL for 24 hours a day. I plan to switch to 18/6 any time now. I water her with distilled water when she's dry (usually every other day or so). Yesterday when I watered, I...