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  1. L

    In House Genetics Thread

  2. L

    In House Genetics Thread

    I hope so too Man!!! If I infact get lucky and get 007 to Germinate I'll shoot ya a line and see if ya want a slip......
  3. L

    In House Genetics Thread

    After reading a few of your posts regarding the pale/immature nature of your 007 Kush Breath seeds it motivated me to take a look at my pack........... Lo and behold my beans are CONSISTENT/EXACTLY as you stated the conditions of yours. Very pale and immature looking and TBH I have ZERO...
  4. L

    In House Genetics Thread

    Y'all can thank me later for the IN-HOUSE GENETICS "Support Desk" help I got Y'all!! Lol For Real tho, Thank You PBD420, this is what it supposed to be like, actual breeder "tech support" to help assist those running/aspiring to run IHG gear. I'm not sure if I'm gonna get to mine this year but...
  5. L

    In House Genetics Thread

    I have no first hand experience with PP so I wouldn't know either way! and Don't mind me on Stink Panties, I was on a roll!! Lol Glad to hear you think its legit, I personally thought the pics look dank and whether its that PP or another PP if its dank its dank. Trust me, I'm no hater, and I...
  6. L

    In House Genetics Thread

    My bad bro. Trust me, I'm pretty well known for Bad Attitude, don't take it personally!!! You know the game Man, there is no governing body, no legislation or standard protocol. People run roughshod all the time in the seed game and its up to ALL OF US as the COMMUNITY to hold EACH OTHER...
  7. L

    In House Genetics Thread

    Phewww, Well that only took about a hour and a half outta a short life but By God, WE DID IT!!!! Lol I Feel like Dr. Phil my Nigga and I just had a breakthrough with a dude on my couch!!!! Lol See, it wasn't that hard to admit that your pink panties May or MORE PROBABLE IS NOT THE SAME AS THE...
  8. L

    In House Genetics Thread

    Well Since I'm the one twisting shit, Why don't you UNTWIST it and tell us about your Stink Panties cut. I'm here to be educated......
  9. L

    In House Genetics Thread

    So I can't be a well educated customer that would like some clarification on a PURCHASE I'VE MADE? You wanna know Why am I "coming at you" ?Lol Do you even see your defensive stance? No Bueno Customer Service Homie!!! The UNANSWERED question is still on the inhouse feed in the pics of...
  10. L

    In House Genetics Thread

    I'm not saying that you don't know what it is. I'm saying that some of us just know what it ISN'T!!!! Lol........
  11. L

    In House Genetics Thread

    Oh, so now you're claiming that STINK PANTIES is a creation of yours? Lol This shit keeps getting better and better
  12. L

    In House Genetics Thread

    Oh, Glad somebody from Team IN-House has decided to GRACE us with some information!!!! Lol How very very nice of you PBD420. 1. Why do you guys refer to your "Stink Panties" as "NW Stink Panties" and "Stink Panties" interchangeably? 2. Why have you guys IGNORED SEEDJUNKY GENETICS and the...
  13. L

    In House Genetics Thread

    It'll show up. Just ignore that first email about it being shipped. All that really is is an alert that a shipping label has been created and to expect said package to enter the stream at some point.......Lol I'd much rather shop domestically and dankteam has a decent selection. Fingers crossed...
  14. L

    In House Genetics Thread Can't front, very happy with the Christmas promo, nice card, nice freebies. Not as quick as I'd like but it shows up!
  15. L

    In House Genetics Thread

  16. L

    In House Genetics Thread

    I see what the real problem is here. You really don't "get it" do you? I never said that In-House doesnt have "Crash Dummies/Testers/"Team In-House" Lol. I was speaking more to their practices as "breeders" Pollen Chuckers. You ever heard the old adage, Any Man can make a Baby, but it takes a...
  17. L

    In House Genetics Thread

    Uhhhm. Bout the only thing you got right in that whole Spiel is, ME & YOU ARE NOTHING ALIKE!!! !!! Dude Who gave you the RIDICULOUS and TOTALLY WRONG IDEA that you could/should only grow 6 plants per light under Testing Protocol? LMAO See its FOOLS like you that THINK you know WTF is up that...
  18. L

    In House Genetics Thread

    TBH, I don't. Neither do you. But pull up a chair I'd like to chat a quick sec........... Throughout my time messing around on these on these boards one thing remains consistent in the seed game, the Names change but the Trends are all the same!!! How do I know he's not doing extensive testing...
  19. L

    In House Genetics Thread

    It's because they are lyin' Pimp!!! Lol On there feed sometimes they have it labeled NW Pink Panties and other times just Pink Panties but some of the Cookie Fam affiliates have come on the feed and tossed light weight shade sayin' stuff like "that aint it" and blah blah blah. TBH. These guys...