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  1. Airzman22


    Greetings forum! I would like to grow outside at my school in a few corners where I know no one goes. (except for me and a few other stoners XD) However, I am going to miss the best growing time I think. I live in Chicago and I do not have a chance to plant until the 17th of September! So I...
  2. Airzman22

    Tokin with the Fam

    I was just in Amsterdam for my first time, with my mom dad and grandma. Sure enough my mom and grandma and I hit up a coffee shop and my mom rolled a fatty (she rolls her own tobacco so she is REALLY good at it) and I lit up a joint with the fam. Best joint I ever smoked. :joint:
  3. Airzman22

    Growin' In The Dorm

    So I get that it is possible to grow in a dorm room( i have a big closet next year :D ) but how easy is it to get caught? Like how stanky can the plants themselves get? I am hoping there is someone here who's done it :)
  4. Airzman22

    One Of The Classic Case Dealer Fuck Up Scenarios

    ^ Ah nice. I had like the same story man. Feels good to hit it up after all that searching... I would say its even better :)
  5. Airzman22

    I'm A Lucky Kid Living Amongst Ignorance

    Lol, Politicking on a marijuana forum. Lets not rag on this dude, I am in the EXACT same situation, except my family got tired of republican retards and are moving to Switzerland with me in school in Chicago. OP: I feel you bro, just keep on trucking, and get your ass out of there. It was...
  6. Airzman22

    northern illinois

    Lol welcome to my problem in southern Missouri. But yeah, your best bet is to ship in from your hometown/friends or to start hanging out with obvious pot smokers.... Not hard to find usually. :) No one will respond to you online bro. And if they do, dont trust em, notice how easy it was to sign...
  7. Airzman22

    ...and I hope our business relationship can be as mutually beneficial as possible.

    ^ Wow. Your disdainful view of youngsters is exactly what OT is talking about with respect to the harsh and unwarranted treatment of the productive members of society who do also take illicit drugs. I truly hope that your opinion does not represent the majority on this website. edit: I did not...
  8. Airzman22

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello Forum! I am kind of an amateur stoner, and an even more amateur grower, but hopefully I can get these nice new seeds that I saved to grow into something delicious :)
  9. Airzman22

    Total Newbie

    Alright thanks! Anyone have advice as to a good strain for outdoor?
  10. Airzman22

    Total Newbie

    This is my first time I have really thought seriously about growing weed, and so I had some very basic questions...really basic. 1) What EXACTLY was I smoking while i typed this? i.e. flower, leaf, etc... 2) how long until the plant produces...whatever I smoke? 3) Can i just plant some shit...
  11. Airzman22

    Would You Mess Around With A Fat Girl?

    Hell yes I would. As a matter of fact I have. Fat girls can be just as awesome as skinny girls. In terms of a relationship I have no problem with it. But for hookups I do not go over a size 2. Sometimes I have trouble telling so I might even ask her what size her stuff is 0.o
  12. Airzman22

    A Canadian Stoners Story

    Wow man, thats rough times. Thank you for posting such a personal story on this forum, and good luck. Stay strong.
  13. Airzman22

    Some Help

    I have been in the market for a bong recently, and so I was wondering if anyone knew of a good brand for the price. I am looking 50-100. Thanks, :sleep: ^ not as good from a piece as a bong :)
  14. Airzman22

    Must watch!

    very cool. Thanks for the link bro! Nothing like taking a few hits while watching a movie about how great pot is :)