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  1. U

    Help, first grow.

    So I planted about 1.5weeks ago, on day 5 it was 30mm tall, and 3-4 days later it hasnt grown? :-( is it time to say good bye?
  2. U

    When do i plant outside?

    It's my first grow, one seed, thought i'd give it shot. It's currently about 7mm tall so early doors atm. 5 days from plant. I have a spot out side to plant it but what is the earliest I can plant it outside UK? Any help would be great. A real novice! :)
  3. U

    When Do I Plant Outside?

    It's my first grow, one seed, thought i'd give it shot. It's currently about 7mm tall so early doors atm. 5 days from plant. I have a spot out side to plant it but what is the earliest I can plant it outside UK? Any help would be great. A real novice! :)
  4. U

    I Know It's My Job But It Pisses Me ff!! A Rant TL:DR

    Little phrase I like to use goes like this: dnt worry bwt thaaaat! And when they say 'oh yeh, and ill have Xx' say Nope you've had ya chance.
  5. U

    What Has This World Become?

    Okay what has this world become. Really? Nice message man glad to know others feel and think the same as me lol. I try my beat to not be materialistic, but getting the balance between caring about your apearance and caring about appearance to much. The way I like to put it to people is; if...