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  1. Q

    Whats up with this plant? PICS

    It looks like several problems all at once. Yellowing from the bottom suggests nitrogen, necrotic tips and yellowing--phosphorus, spotted leaves all over--possibly calcium, yellowing leaves starting at the top in one of your pictures--could be iron...
  2. Q

    Why did my buds produce these? HELP!

    Continue growing your plants. Those seeds look a little immature, too. They have a lower rate of germination. The more developed they become, the darker they will be. If they are dark brown or black by the time you harvest, you've waited too long.
  3. Q

    Why did my buds produce these? HELP!

    There is argument about whether or not it will affect the potency of the flower. Some say yes, some say no. Significant study has not been made, though if it does affect potency, it's estimated 10-15% give or take. Not great, but not horrible.
  4. Q

    Clone vs. Seed

    A long long way. Pollen can travel for up to several hundred feet, but typically does not travel much further than 100 feet or so.
  5. Q

    Clone vs. Seed

    Not putting all your proverbial eggs in a proverbial basket is always a good rule of thumb. Why not try both? If you get a good seasonal rotation down you can be rotating in and out of both methods of growing. Take more clones from your seeds, etc. If you grow clones, at least you'll always...
  6. Q

    18/6 or 24/0 hour veg?

    18/6: The reason being is that in those 6 hours of darkness, the plant is able to enter the Calvin cycle, or dark cycle, to create sugars needed for further growth from the energy created by elevating naked protons with electrons to make hydrogen atoms in the "light cycle," photosynthesis, and...