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  1. sabo

    First time with lr2

    Here come update after 37 day to born. I have add potassio to fight little carence of 2 girl. Ciao sabo
  2. sabo

    First time with lr2

    hi bicicle, I will probably pass from 24/24 light on to 18/24 light on.... My lady's don't have anought "resin" (i don't' know the word in english) on the flower,and I know,the resin are generated during the darkness time. I will try.... Ciao Sabo
  3. sabo

    First time with lr2

    Here come update after 37 day to born. I have add potassio to fight little carence of 2 girl. Ciao Sabo
  4. sabo

    First time with lr2

    my lr#2 was born at 18 febbrary 08,and I will harvestin at 20 april 08....I hope. Ciao Sabo
  5. sabo

    First time with lr2

    yes,my lr start to frowering about the 2/3 week to send. enjoy Italy if you can.they are a city called "the city of bicicles" and the name are Ferrara. I have used for the first 2 week algaveg by plagrom and from the rest of week alga-flora by plagrom. In italy we can't use or have any medical...
  6. sabo

    First time with lr2

    I hold the lights 24 hours on because' the send bank advises to do so.' Hi bicycle,sorry but my english is not so good.....wath have you ask to me?Were I am located or were is located the grow room?....them....I am in Italy (north of Italy) e the grow room are in the basament. My grow in indoor...
  7. sabo

    First time with lr2

    yes my friend, the light still on 24h. Maybe i will reduce to 18h only during the last week.I hope i'is a good idea. Ciao Sabo
  8. sabo

    First time with lr2

    here come the pictures about my first time with lowrider #2 30 gg from send.
  9. sabo

    Heruk's Lowryder 2 & low ak47 x BlueB grow

    oooooooooook. I have understood. Thanks. Grazie.
  10. sabo

    Heruk's Lowryder 2 & low ak47 x BlueB grow

    I would like to know........ what you intend for "cola." what and' cola? is it perhaps a cut word? Thanks
  11. sabo

    Estimate ounces on this big thing

    GOD BLESS THE SUN!!! Dio benedica il sole!!!
  12. sabo

    NEWBIE gonna go lowryder2

    Ciao Turfsire, I also I will grow of the lowriders 2. Would I like to ask you a question, to how many times you have held turned on the lamps? 24/24 or 18/24? HPS how many watts ? Thanks for the answers. Liberta' per la zars! Sabo
  13. sabo

    Lowrider odor quantity

    uffff.....beautiful memoirs brother good luck for your "job" Sabo
  14. sabo

    Lowrider odor quantity

    some pictures about my last grow
  15. sabo

    Lowrider odor quantity

    no idea? Sabo
  16. sabo

    Lowrider odor quantity

    hi to everybody, I will grow lowrider and I wanted to have some infos. in past I have cultivated cristal and ww, and above all with the ww I have had some problem for the excessive odor. Does The lowrider during the period of flowering have an odor so' strong? Someone whom already has'...
  17. sabo

    The Making Of A Monster!

    ok brother, I have understood what you intend to say. Thanks for the answer and "good job." Good life to you. SABO
  18. sabo

    The Making Of A Monster!

    Hi abudsmoker. I wanted to ask you two questions..... why you never fold down the plants and why you don't lower a few the lamps considering that you use some cooltubes? it excuses my English but I am not English Ciao Sabo